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Feature Flagged


Enables you to use Microsoft.FeatureManagemen to not only control your front end by these filters and flags but also your back office properties.

These properties can still be mandatory and have validation.


Follow the install step(s) for Microsoft.FeatureManagement https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-app-configuration/use-feature-flags-dotnet-core?tabs=core5x.

The pacakage will register its dependencies using a Composer so no additional configurationg is needed.


Create the data type you want to wrap then create a Feature Flagged data type that wraps it. Within your code use the FeatureManager as per the Microsoft.FeatureManagement documentation.

Properties work with Models builder as if there were not feature flagged.

Known Issues and work arounds

HasValue check

Uses the base property value converter method of checking this, as I am unable to get the correct coverter on this request. 

I would suggest never using HasValue and instead null check etc the strongly type value.

Nested content

You can not flag a nested content property, this is due to how nested content updates its model based on the form submitting.

I would recommend moving the the block list instead.

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 9+

dotnet add package Our.FeatureFlags

Package owner

Matthew Wise

Matthew Wise

Matthew has 1373 karma points

Package Information

  • Package owner: Matthew Wise
  • Created: 11/12/2021
  • Current version 1.0.0
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 0
  • Downloads on NuGet: 3.1K
  • Total downloads : 3.1K