I get an "x" mark instead of image but when I save image twice I am able to see the image for cropping. Could you please let me know why is this happening?
Yes it's true that only works for missing crops and you need to push the button run it. However it also says this in the package description:
"This package is a spin-off of the Digibiz Advanced Media Picker 2.0. There the crops are created in the before save event so it works if you create new media, but this package works for all media items."
So if you install DAMP it will always create the crops (which is configurable) if you create a new media item. You can watch a demo here: http://www.screenr.com/gz0s
Upload Image Needs to be saved twice before cropping
Hi All,
When I upload an image and using "Type Upload" and click on the "Crops" tab that I create following below URL:
I get an "x" mark instead of image but when I save image twice I am able to see the image for cropping. Could you please let me know why is this happening?
Prompt response would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
It's a known issue... not sure when Kenneth will have time to tackle this issue...
hi - was this issue ever resolved? thanks
Not that I know of. It'd be nice though
You can resolve it with this package: http://our.umbraco.org/projects/backoffice-extensions/create-crops.
that sounds like it just back dates any existing images that are missing crops? so would that mean you have to run it on a regualr basis?
ideally, all crops should be created everytime an image is saved. (and only having to click save once)
Yes it's true that only works for missing crops and you need to push the button run it. However it also says this in the package description:
"This package is a spin-off of the Digibiz Advanced Media Picker 2.0. There the crops are created in the before save event so it works if you create new media, but this package works for all media items."
So if you install DAMP it will always create the crops (which is configurable) if you create a new media item. You can watch a demo here: http://www.screenr.com/gz0s
this is still an issue in 4.8.1
That's correct. It's still not fixed. Here is the issue you can vote for: http://issues.umbraco.org/issue/U4-386.
is working on a reply...