I'm using the latest LeBlender (0.9.18) and I have it working, except that it keeps using the same file as the View. I have had to turn off the Editor display as it is all rendering badly as I need to use a different framework & styles on the front-end.
My View is in "FeaturedCallout.cshtml" but for testing I've put the Render in "FeaturedCallout2.cshtml".
I've made sure to update my web.config etc.
"name": "Featured Callout",
"alias": "featuredCallout",
"view": "/App_Plugins/Lecoati.LeBlender/core/LeBlendereditor.html",
"icon": "icon-newspaper-alt",
"render": "/App_Plugins/Lecoati.LeBlender/core/views/Base.cshtml",
"config": {
etc. etc.
"adv": true,
"frontView": "/Views/Partials/Grid/Editors/FeaturedCallout2.cshtml"
Yeah, I've tried a different browser, switched debug on/off etc. It just doesn't seem to be getting applied :\ Should I manually override the "render" or "view" or is it essential that they point to the LeBlender Core files?
It looks like the issue is with Base.cshtml - it is referencing "Model.editor.frontView" but it doesn't seem to exist in the model. I see in 1.0.1 that frontView has been moved inside the config area and now refererenced via "Model.editor.config.frontView". (Note: I would use 1.0.1 but the upgrade was a total disaster for me so I'm back using 0.9.18). So I manually moved the frontView row and then updated Base.cshtml to only use the frontView when Helper.IsFrontEnd() is true (as I want the View and the Render to show differently)
The way to read the grid config file in Umbraco 7.2.4 has changed, so we had to move the frontView field within the config properties, but it was before the v0.9.18.
Within the v0.9.18, the change is apply automatically when you save again your editor, I thought that I mentioned it within the doc, maybe I forgot, my apology.
Does Render override work?
I'm using the latest LeBlender (0.9.18) and I have it working, except that it keeps using the same file as the View. I have had to turn off the Editor display as it is all rendering badly as I need to use a different framework & styles on the front-end.
My View is in "FeaturedCallout.cshtml" but for testing I've put the Render in "FeaturedCallout2.cshtml".
I've made sure to update my web.config etc.
Did you try to empty your browser cache? try to turn your proyect as debug as well.
It seems to be a cache issue, we have fixes and improve this part in the new version we are about to release.
Hi Antoine,
Yeah, I've tried a different browser, switched debug on/off etc. It just doesn't seem to be getting applied :\ Should I manually override the "render" or "view" or is it essential that they point to the LeBlender Core files?
I will do some test today to reproduce your issue, it's weird, seems to be a core bug. I'll keep you up to date..
I wasn't able to reproduce your issue :/, could you try upgrade to v1.0.1 and come back to me back if it still doesn't work?
It looks like the issue is with Base.cshtml - it is referencing "Model.editor.frontView" but it doesn't seem to exist in the model. I see in 1.0.1 that frontView has been moved inside the config area and now refererenced via "Model.editor.config.frontView". (Note: I would use 1.0.1 but the upgrade was a total disaster for me so I'm back using 0.9.18). So I manually moved the frontView row and then updated Base.cshtml to only use the frontView when Helper.IsFrontEnd() is true (as I want the View and the Render to show differently)
I see !
The way to read the grid config file in Umbraco 7.2.4 has changed, so we had to move the frontView field within the config properties, but it was before the v0.9.18.
Within the v0.9.18, the change is apply automatically when you save again your editor, I thought that I mentioned it within the doc, maybe I forgot, my apology.
is working on a reply...