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When using the RTE in Leblender editor (only that editor) i get an error:
Request error: The URL returned a 404 (not found): rte
In my console it says:
GET http://--siteurl--/umbraco/rte 404 (Not Found)
Can you please help me?
Hi Danni,
I can't reproduce your issue, could you give me the JSON editor config from the config/grid.editors.config.js file? something seems to be wrought from there.
Hi Antoine
Here's my editors file:
"name": "Image Slider",
"alias": "imageSlider",
"view": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/LeBlendereditor.html",
"icon": "icon-pictures-alt-2",
"adv": true,
"render": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml",
"config": {
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"name": "Title",
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"view": "",
"propretyType": {
"name": "Textstring",
"view": "textstring"
"name": "Link",
"alias": "link",
"name": "Content Picker",
"view": "/umbraco/Views/propertyeditors/contentpicker/contentpicker.html",
"multiPicker": false,
"minNumber": 1,
"maxNumber": 1
"name": "Image",
"alias": "image",
"name": "Media Picker",
"view": "/umbraco/Views/propertyeditors/mediapicker/mediapicker.html",
"multiPicker": false
"renderInGrid": "0",
"min": 1,
"max": 5,
"frontView": ""
"name": "Rich text editor",
"alias": "rte",
"view": "rte",
"icon": "icon-article"
"name": "Quote",
"alias": "quote",
"view": "textstring",
"icon": "icon-quote",
"style": "border-left: 3px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; color: #ccc; font-family: serif; font-variant: italic; font-size: 18px",
"markup": "<blockquote>#value#</blockquote>"
"name": "Side Widget",
"alias": "sideWidget",
"icon": "icon-settings-alt",
"name": "Widget Title",
"alias": "widgetTitle",
"name": "Widget Image",
"alias": "widgetImage",
"name": "Widget Text",
"alias": "widgetText",
"name": "Textarea",
"view": "textarea"
"name": "Wdiget Cite",
"alias": "wdigetCite",
"max": 1,
"name": "Accordion",
"alias": "accordion",
"icon": "icon-list",
"fixed": false,
"limit": 0,
"name": "Header",
"alias": "header",
"name": "Content",
"alias": "content",
"name": "- - custom - -",
"view": "rte"
"renderInGrid": "1",
"adv": true
"name": "Gallery",
"alias": "gallery",
"icon": "icon-pictures-alt",
"name": "Gallery Title",
"alias": "galleryTitle",
"name": "Gallery images",
"alias": "galleryImages",
"name": "Multi Media Picker",
"multiPicker": true
"name": "4 Round",
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"icon": "icon-circle-dotted",
"alias": "title",
"max": 4,
"name": "Footer",
"alias": "footer",
"icon": "icon-shoe",
"limit": 6,
"name": "Footer Row Header",
"alias": "footerRowHeader",
"name": "Footer Header Link",
"alias": "footerHeaderLInk",
"name": "Footer Links",
"alias": "footerLinks",
"name": "Multi Content Picker",
"multiPicker": "1",
"showEditButton": "0"
"max": 6,
"name": "Teachers",
"alias": "teachers",
"view": "/App_Plugins/Novicell/Editors/Teachers.html",
"render": "/Views/Partials/Grid/Editors/Teachers.cshtml",
"icon": "icon-presentation",
"adv": false,
"config": ""
"name": "Test",
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"dataType": "ca90c950-0aff-4e72-b976-a30b1ac57dad"
Is it the editor "Accordion" that you are talking about?
This editor doesn't have any datatype selected, just select "RitchTextEditor" and it will work, see att
It worked!
Thanks a lot! it's properly because of fiddling around when updating an so on!
you're welcome
is working on a reply...
Write your reply to:
Upload image
Image will be uploaded when post is submitted
Can't use RTE in Leblender editor
When using the RTE in Leblender editor (only that editor) i get an error:
In my console it says:
Can you please help me?
Hi Danni,
I can't reproduce your issue, could you give me the JSON editor config from the config/grid.editors.config.js file? something seems to be wrought from there.
Hi Antoine
Here's my editors file:
"name": "Image Slider",
"alias": "imageSlider",
"view": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/LeBlendereditor.html",
"icon": "icon-pictures-alt-2",
"adv": true,
"render": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml",
"config": {
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"name": "Title",
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"view": "textstring"
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"view": "",
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"name": "Content Picker",
"view": "/umbraco/Views/propertyeditors/contentpicker/contentpicker.html",
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"multiPicker": false,
"minNumber": 1,
"maxNumber": 1
"name": "Image",
"alias": "image",
"view": "",
"propretyType": {
"name": "Media Picker",
"view": "/umbraco/Views/propertyeditors/mediapicker/mediapicker.html",
"config": {
"multiPicker": false
"renderInGrid": "0",
"min": 1,
"max": 5,
"frontView": ""
"name": "Rich text editor",
"alias": "rte",
"view": "rte",
"icon": "icon-article"
"name": "Quote",
"alias": "quote",
"view": "textstring",
"icon": "icon-quote",
"config": {
"style": "border-left: 3px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; color: #ccc; font-family: serif; font-variant: italic; font-size: 18px",
"markup": "<blockquote>#value#</blockquote>"
"name": "Side Widget",
"alias": "sideWidget",
"view": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/LeBlendereditor.html",
"icon": "icon-settings-alt",
"render": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml",
"config": {
"editors": [
"name": "Widget Title",
"alias": "widgetTitle",
"view": "",
"propretyType": {
"name": "Textstring",
"view": "textstring"
"name": "Widget Image",
"alias": "widgetImage",
"view": "",
"propretyType": {
"name": "Media Picker",
"view": "/umbraco/Views/propertyeditors/mediapicker/mediapicker.html",
"config": {
"multiPicker": false
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"alias": "widgetText",
"view": "",
"propretyType": {
"name": "Textarea",
"view": "textarea"
"name": "Wdiget Cite",
"alias": "wdigetCite",
"view": "",
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"name": "Accordion",
"alias": "accordion",
"view": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/LeBlendereditor.html",
"icon": "icon-list",
"render": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml",
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"name": "Gallery",
"alias": "gallery",
"view": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/LeBlendereditor.html",
"icon": "icon-pictures-alt",
"render": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml",
"config": {
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"render": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml",
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"name": "Teachers",
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"render": "/Views/Partials/Grid/Editors/Teachers.cshtml",
"icon": "icon-presentation",
"adv": false,
"config": ""
"name": "Test",
"alias": "test",
"view": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/LeBlendereditor.html",
"icon": "icon-settings-alt",
"render": "/App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml",
"config": {
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"name": "Content",
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"dataType": "ca90c950-0aff-4e72-b976-a30b1ac57dad"
"frontView": ""
Is it the editor "Accordion" that you are talking about?
This editor doesn't have any datatype selected, just select "RitchTextEditor" and it will work, see att
It worked!
Thanks a lot! it's properly because of fiddling around when updating an so on!
you're welcome
is working on a reply...