LeBlender installation using Nuget not working (Umbraco 7.5)
Hi Antoine,
I've installed the LeBlender using Nuget and it doesn't show up in the Developers section. Moreover, I can tell that installing it using Nuget didn't change the tree.config file, but I did change it manually to include the GridEditorManager - that I've found in some thread - but with no success.
Also, when adding a new DataType using the property editor "LeBlender Editor" in the browser's console I have a javascript error
"Cannot read property 'config' of undefined at new
// Inir render with the value of frontView
// render have to be always = /App_Plugins/LeBlender/editors/leblendereditor/views/Base.cshtml
$scope.model.parentValue.render = $scope.model.parentValue.config.frontView ? $scope.model.parentValue.config.frontView : "";
And I can't add any property because when I click in the "Add property" button it "triggers" the save event and nothing more happen.
Do you suspect of something? Can you give me any tip to go digging on it?
LeBlender installation using Nuget not working (Umbraco 7.5)
Hi Antoine,
I've installed the LeBlender using Nuget and it doesn't show up in the Developers section. Moreover, I can tell that installing it using Nuget didn't change the tree.config file, but I did change it manually to include the GridEditorManager - that I've found in some thread - but with no success.
Also, when adding a new DataType using the property editor "LeBlender Editor" in the browser's console I have a javascript error
And I can't add any property because when I click in the "Add property" button it "triggers" the save event and nothing more happen.
Do you suspect of something? Can you give me any tip to go digging on it?
is working on a reply...