4 votes

MBran Sitemap Xml

MBran SitemapXml is a package to auto-generate sitemap xml on these simple steps:

From Umbraco Package  Manager:

  1. Download and install package
  2. Create a doc type property called "sitemapOption" of data type "Sitemap Xml".
  3. Browse to your website http://yourdomain.com/sitemap

From NuGet:

  1. Install package "MBran.SitemapXml"
  2. Create new data type of type "Sitemap Xml (MBran.SitemapXml)"
  3. Create a doc type property called "sitemapOption" of data type "Sitemap Xml"
  4. Browse to your website http://yourdomain.com/sitemap


  • Multi-tenant support
  • Sitemap protocol format with UTF-8 encoding
  • Universal last modified date with offset
  • Default values for: priority (0.5) and frequency (daily)
  • Skip pages without templates even if sitemap property has values
  • Cache duration of 5 minutes


 Download package
version 0.3

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 7.7.0-7.9.0

Install-Package MBran.SitemapXml

Package owner

Mark Gil Libres

Mark Gil Libres

Mark has 113 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 7.12.x, 7.11.x, 7.10.x, 7.9.x, 7.8.x, 7.7.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Mark Gil Libres
  • Created: 18/03/2018
  • Current version 0.3
  • .NET version 4.5.2
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 660
  • Downloads on NuGet: 5.5K
  • Total downloads : 6.2K