19 votes

MultiType DataType

The MultiType DataType was first created to make it easier for content editors to add options and values to a select list in the Pliable Ajax Contact Form project. But as I developed this idea I could see it could have many more uses.

This is MultiType DataType is very much like the Embedded Content DataType except it has been implemented differently. I have tried to make the MultiType DataType feel more integrated into the Umbraco back end.


  • Define properties much like creating a new document type.
  • Sortable lists (in Content and Developer sections)
  • Set a limit for the Content section
  • Validation

Set up

  • Install the package, which will just add the 4Ben.dll to your bin directory.
  • Go to the developer section and create a new DataType.
  • Change the Render control to MultiType
  • Add some properties, Name and Alias are required and Alias must be unique. Choose Type from the drop down and click the Save icon on the DataType window. Define a limit if you want, 0 = no limit.
  • Add a new property to a document type and choose the MultiType DataType you just created.
  • In the Content Section start adding MultiTypes, find the new property and click add. It will then show all the Names and Types you defined in the Developer section.

Many thanks to the uComponents project for their source as it was a fantastic learning resource and I also used it to save Prevalues in JSON form.

I have tested this package with v4.6.1 - v4.7

Once I have my own website sorted I will post all the source there with example xslt and more documentation.


v 2.0 - Beta

  • Restructured code, created a new project for each of my data types


  • Fixed conflict with uComponents.Core.Shared


  • Better fix for multiple MultiTypes on the same document type
  • Multiple MultiTypes of the same DataType on a DocumentType.
  • Control the data shown in each row in the Content section with xslt.


  • Fix for multiple MultiTypes on the same document type.


Package owner



aghy has 308 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: aghy
  • Created: 24/05/2011
  • Current version 1.1.1
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 5.7K

External resources