Check the project page, I've just uploaded a version for 4.5 .net3.5. I haven't fully tested this version I've just made it so any feedback would be fantastic.
Thanks for the version for .net 3.5 ... I've just installed it and will test the feature..
I have noticed the package readme says: Once you have installed this datatype Create a new datatype of type ... I think it should be "Once you have installed this package.."
I'm sure it is possible to use inline xslt but it's probably much easier to create a new xslt file. You can loop through the Items with something like this:
Sometime I think it's nice just to use inline xslt eg. just to insert an image, when it really doesn't need much xslt.. but with the xslt file there are more opportunities especielly, when you use the other properties too..
I will probably use this package much more in the future :)
Perhaps in some of the next versions of the package the Media Picker can be the Improved Media Picker, which is standard in the newer versions of Umbraco, where the user is allowed to upload images directly from the Media Picker datatype..
Is it possible to translate the button: add, update, close ... to eg. Danish in the languages files? Would be more appropriate when using Danish in backend..
Umbraco 4.5.x and .NET 3.5
Seems to be a nice package.. is it possible to have a version which works with .NET 3.5 for 4.5x versions of Umbraco?
Hi Bjarne,
Check the project page, I've just uploaded a version for 4.5 .net3.5. I haven't fully tested this version I've just made it so any feedback would be fantastic.
Hope you like it. Any questions just ask.
Thanks for the version for .net 3.5 ... I've just installed it and will test the feature..
I have noticed the package readme says: Once you have installed this datatype Create a new datatype of type ... I think it should be "Once you have installed this package.."
Is it possible to get the images in media picker with inline xslt?
With a normal Media Picker as datatype I could get the image in my template with this code:
<umbraco:Item runat="server" field="projectImage"
xslt="concat('<img src="', umbraco.library:GetMedia({0},'true')/umbracoFile, '" />')"
xsltDisableEscaping="true" />
Instead of adding multiple media pickers I like to use a package like this, which allow to add different numbers of images..
Hi Bjarne,
I'm sure it is possible to use inline xslt but it's probably much easier to create a new xslt file. You can loop through the Items with something like this:
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/cars/Items/Item">
<xsl:sort select="./@sortId"/>
<xsl:variable name="image" select="umbraco.library:GetMedia(./image, true)"/>
<img src="{$image/umbracoFile}" alt="{./name}" />
In this example cars is the alias of the datatype on the document type. ./image is a property alias defined on the MultiType datatype.
Thanks.. it works great :)
Sometime I think it's nice just to use inline xslt eg. just to insert an image, when it really doesn't need much xslt.. but with the xslt file there are more opportunities especielly, when you use the other properties too..
I will probably use this package much more in the future :)
One more thing.
Perhaps in some of the next versions of the package the Media Picker can be the Improved Media Picker, which is standard in the newer versions of Umbraco, where the user is allowed to upload images directly from the Media Picker datatype..
Cool thanks,
I have just done a simple test and it seems quite easy to do. Hopefully get something out over this weekend.
Sounds good :)
Is it possible to translate the button: add, update, close ... to eg. Danish in the languages files?
Would be more appropriate when using Danish in backend..
is working on a reply...