Offers ability to perform simple Lock and Unlock on content nodes. The feature operates separate from Umbraco versioning engine to prevent unnecessary entries.
To enable MyLocks add field "myLock" to any content document type using the "MyLock - Padlock" data type. In addition, MyLocks privileges need to be set for select user groups to allow locking.
Admins automatically have ability to lock/unlock/force unlock and all locked content is listed in the dashboard control.
Once installed, you may want to tap the web.config and refresh Umbraco back-office to initialize.
Known Issues:
- When attempting to delete a locked node by other users will disappear from the tree until the parent node refreshes - this is a known Umbraco behavior, but the node really isn't deleted.
- Older versions of IE don't support pseudo CSS classes that provide the indicator icons on the content tree.
- Moving or Deleting parent nodes will ignore the child locks!
v1.0.4 - Simplified versioning, several fixes to package, correction in update package to include all assets except the initial install.
v1.0.0.3 - Back-office was experiencing a browser memory leak due to the use of setInterval.
v1.0.0.2 - Unlocks files that are being deleted or trashed. From Beta to Release status.
v1.0.0.1 - Quick fix to ForceUnlock not working properly on the content tree when confirmation prompt was added.
v1.0.0.0 - Initial Release