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Open or Closed

Open or Closed - Yet another Business Hours package!

Inspired by the Dexmoor BusinessHours package, this one uses the built-in date and time picker and targets Umbraco 8.6+

There are two nuGet packages:

  • OpenOrClosed - Property Editors for the Umbraco Back-Office
  • OpenOrClosed.Core - DataType Definitions and PropertyValueConverters for use with ModelsBuilder to provide strongly typed models.

Property Editors:

Standard Business Hours:
Monday through to Sunday and optionally Bank Holidays, set each day Open or Closed with multiple ranges of times in either 24- or 12-hour time. Each time range can be flagged with "By Appointment".

Special Business Hours:
Adds the ability to specify specific dates, with the same set of features for Standard Business Hours.

Version 2.0.0 Supports Umbraco 10+ only. For Umbraco 8 and 9, use release 1.1.0

  • Hours are now optional, allowing for a Days Open/Closed facility without the need to specify times.
  • Special Days can now be default to closed when added.
  • System.DayOfWeek is now included in the StandardHours View Model, assisting with the ability to render a localised Day.

What's Changed

  • Umbraco 10+ only with lots of new features
  • Hours are now optional, allowing for a Days Open/Closed facility without the need to specify times.
  • Special Days can now be default to closed when added.
  • System.DayOfWeek is now included in the StandardHours View Model, assisting with the ability to render a localised Day.


 Download package
version 2.0.0

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 8.6.0-9+

Install-Package OpenOrClosed

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 9+

dotnet add package OpenOrClosed

Package owner

Robert Foster

Robert Foster

Robert has 1820 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 8.17.x, 8.16.x, 8.15.x, 8.14.x, 8.13.x, 8.12.x, 8.11.x, 8.10.x, 8.9.x, 8.8.x, 8.7.x, 8.6.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Robert Foster
  • Created: 20/09/2020
  • Current version 2.0.0
  • .NET version 4.7.2
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 404
  • Downloads on NuGet: 33.5K
  • Total downloads : 33.9K