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  • Christian Palm 278 posts 273 karma points
    Jul 02, 2010 @ 13:27
    Christian Palm


    I have created a AddXmlNodeToWebConfig - you can use it whenever you wan't to add something to the web.config.

    You can provide a XPathCheckIfExist to ensure you do not create duplicates


    <Action runat="install" undo="false" alias="AddXmlNodeToWebConfig">
    <!-- Where to insert the node -->
    <!-- How to check if the node already exist -->
    <!-- The node to append -->
    <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/>
    <log4net configSource="App_Data\Log4Net.config" />

    Source (using log4net, undo not implemented)

    namespace CPalm.Packager.Actions
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web.Hosting;
    using System.Xml;

    using log4net;
    using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.packager.standardPackageActions;
    using umbraco.interfaces;

    public class AddXmlNodeToWebConfig : IPackageAction
    #region Fields
    private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(AddXmlNodeToWebConfig));
    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods
    public string Alias()
    return "AddXmlNodeToWebConfig";

    public bool Execute(string packageName, XmlNode xmlData)
    string webConfigPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/web.config");
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(webConfigPath))
    return false;
    FileStream fsRead = new FileStream(webConfigPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
    XmlDocument webconfig = new XmlDocument();


    bool changed = false;

    XmlNodeList nodes = xmlData.SelectNodes("Item");
    if (nodes != null)
    foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
    if (AddNode(webconfig, node))
    changed = true;

    if (changed)
    FileStream fsWrite = new FileStream(webConfigPath, FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
    return true;
    catch (Exception exception)
    log.Error("Exception", exception);
    return false;

    public XmlNode SampleXml()
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.AppendLine("<Action runat=\"install\" undo=\"false\" alias=\"AddXmlNodeToWebConfig\">");
    sb.AppendLine(" <Item>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPath>/configuration/configSections</XPath>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPathCheckIfExist>/configuration/configSections/section[@name='log4net']</XPathCheckIfExist>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <section name=\"log4net\" type=\"log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net\"/>");
    sb.AppendLine(" </XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" </Item>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <Item>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPath>/configuration</XPath>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPathCheckIfExist>/configuration/log4net</XPathCheckIfExist>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <InsertAfter>/configuration/configSections</InsertAfter>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <log4net configSource=\"App_Data\\Log4Net.config\" />");
    sb.AppendLine(" </XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" </Item>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <Item>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPath>/configuration/system.web/httpModules</XPath>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPathCheckIfExist>/configuration/system.web/httpModules/add[@name='UpacEventHttpModule']</XPathCheckIfExist>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <add name=\"UpacEventHttpModule\" type=\"Upac.Core.Events.EventHttpModule, Upac.Core\" />");
    sb.AppendLine(" </XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" </Item>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <Item>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPath>/configuration/system.webServer/modules</XPath>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XPathCheckIfExist>/configuration/system.webServer/modules/add[@name='UpacEventHttpModule']</XPathCheckIfExist>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" <add name=\"UpacEventHttpModule\" type=\"Upac.Core.Events.EventHttpModule, Upac.Core\" />");
    sb.AppendLine(" </XmlNode>");
    sb.AppendLine(" </Item>");
    return helper.parseStringToXmlNode(sb.ToString());

    public bool Undo(string packageName, XmlNode xmlData)
    return false;
    return false;

    private bool AddNode(XmlDocument webconfig, XmlNode xmlData)
    XmlNode xpathNode = xmlData.SelectSingleNode("XPath");
    if (xpathNode == null)
    log.Error("XPath node not found!");
    return false;

    string xpath = xpathNode.InnerText;
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xpath))
    log.Error("XPath value not found!");
    return false;

    XmlNode nodeToInsertNewNodeInto = webconfig.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
    if (nodeToInsertNewNodeInto == null)
    log.Error("nodeToInsertNewNodeInto node not found via xpath!");
    return false;

    XmlNode xmlNode = xmlData.SelectSingleNode("XmlNode");
    if (xpathNode == null)
    log.Error("XmlNode node not found!");
    return false;

    if (xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
    log.Error("No child node to XmlNode found!");
    return false;

    if (xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count > 1)
    log.Error("More than one child node found!");
    return false;

    XmlNode checkIfExistXPathNode = xmlData.SelectSingleNode("XPathCheckIfExist");
    if (checkIfExistXPathNode != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkIfExistXPathNode.InnerText))
    XmlNode nodeAlreadyExist = webconfig.SelectSingleNode(checkIfExistXPathNode.InnerText);
    if (nodeAlreadyExist != null)
    log.Error("New node already exist!");
    return false;

    XmlNode newNode = webconfig.ImportNode(xmlNode.FirstChild, true);

    XmlNode insertAfterNode = null;

    XmlNode insertAfterNodeXpath = xmlData.SelectSingleNode("InsertAfter");
    if (insertAfterNodeXpath != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertAfterNodeXpath.InnerText))
    insertAfterNode = webconfig.SelectSingleNode(insertAfterNodeXpath.InnerText);
    if (insertAfterNode == null)
    log.Error("insertAfterNode not found, but will insert the new node to XPath location!");

    if (insertAfterNode != null)
    nodeToInsertNewNodeInto.InsertAfter(newNode, insertAfterNode);
    return true;

    #endregion Methods
  • Jamie Howarth 306 posts 773 karma points c-trib
    Jul 02, 2010 @ 14:49
    Jamie Howarth

    That's awesome - good job! Great for not using WebConfigurationManager too, modifying the web.config only works through an XmlDocument in Medium Trust.

    I'll bring this to Rich Soeteman's attention.


    Benjamin :-)

  • Richard Soeteman 4052 posts 12925 karma points MVP 2x
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 09:39
    Richard Soeteman

    Nice Christian,

    Will add it for the nex release.



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