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  • David Zweben 266 posts 751 karma points
    Oct 28, 2013 @ 15:15
    David Zweben

    Umbraco v7 support planned?

    I know it's still early for this, but could you tell me if you have plans to update/rewrite Ploygot for Umbraco v7? I'm doing research for a site I'm going to be building in a couple months, most likely starting on Umbraco V7, and I'd like to see if I can plan to use this package with it.

    Thanks, David

  • dimi309 245 posts 579 karma points
    Oct 28, 2013 @ 15:55

    Hi David,

    It's not early at all, thanks for asking! ( You're giving me an opportunity to make a little announcement! )

    The package will definitely support Umbraco 7. Normally, I manage to adapt all my packages a few days after each new version of Umbraco is released. I'm kind of forced to because I use them on my own website, which I always upgrade to the latest version.

    Best regards,



  • timgrove 28 posts 61 karma points
    Dec 06, 2013 @ 20:57

    When I try to install this on the final release of 7.0.0, an exception is thrown. Not sure if it's the package, or a bug with umbraco. Can you confirm this works on the final release? Heres the exception:

    System.Exception: Error unpacking extension... ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'System.Web.HttpContextWrapper' in assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' is not marked as serializable. at System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(String assemblyName, String typeName) at Umbraco.Core.Packaging.PackageBinaryInspector.ScanAssembliesForTypeReference[T](String dllPath, String[]& errorReport) at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.packager.Installer.LoadConfig(String tempDir) at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.packager.Installer.Import(String InputFile) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.packager.Installer.Import(String InputFile) at umbraco.presentation.developer.packages.Installer.uploadFile(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  • dimi309 245 posts 579 karma points
    Dec 06, 2013 @ 21:39

    Hi! Thanks for the feedback! I'll run some tests and fix it in a few days if there's something wrong, when I'll be making the stable release.

  • dimi309 245 posts 579 karma points
    Dec 07, 2013 @ 17:28

    Hi Tim,

    I have just set up a fresh instance of Umbraco 7 (the final release) and installed and configured the package. The installation did not produce any errors and the package works smoothly.

    I am kind of sorry about this because, if there was an obvious bug, I could just fix it and get it out of your way :/

    Could you perhaps let me know some more about your setup? It might help me to spot the problem if I know, for example, if you are installing the package on a new or upgraded site, which version you have upgraded from, or anything else that you may think is relevant.

    Best regards,


  • timgrove 28 posts 61 karma points
    Dec 09, 2013 @ 19:11


    Thanks for checking. I am running a fresh instance of 7, and there's nothing out of the ordinary running with this site. I'll keep trying different things on my end then.


  • dimi309 245 posts 579 karma points
    Dec 09, 2013 @ 21:04

    Hi Tim,

    This may be a long shot but are you running your application pool in classic instead of integrated mode by any chance?

    And appart from that, another thing I have always been doing is to enable 32 bit applications for the application pools that run Umbraco. I do not even remember why any more, other than that I ran into some problems a couple of years ago when I didn't do that.

    Both of the above points may be completely irrelevant but anyway, I just thought I should mention them. Other than that, I will let you know if I discover something. If you need anything else from my side I'll be happy to help. Also, if you resolve this, I'd like to hear how you did it if you don't mind :)

    Best regards,


  • dimi309 245 posts 579 karma points
    Dec 11, 2013 @ 07:24


    I have looked into this problem some more. I have not been able to reproduce it, but I have noticed that these people here have had the same exception produced, even though it's on another product:

    Apparently, they solved it by stopping to use the Visual Studio internal web server and switching to IIS Express. So the question is, were you testing the installation of the package on an internal VS server by any chance? Unfortunately I have not been able to test this because I am using VS2013 and this internal server has been discontinued in my version. In any case, it does look like an infrastructure issue. The first library in the stack trace, System.Web.HttpContextWrapper, is neither an Umbraco nor a Polyglot package library.

    I hope this helps!

    Best regards,


  • timgrove 28 posts 61 karma points
    Dec 11, 2013 @ 16:48


    Thanks for continued support, I was running Integrated Mode and was using IIS Express, so not sure what the problem was. I did try a new fresh test umbraco 7 install, and tried to install your latest 2.0.0, and that worked. So, there must be something on my project environment, so I'll figure that out.

    Thanks again!

  • dimi309 245 posts 579 karma points
    Dec 11, 2013 @ 19:13

    No problem! I'm glad it worked! Good luck with the project!

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