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This package is marked as retired

This package is no longer maintained.

Terabyte CSS Picker

A Visual CSS Picker for Umbraco 7


Download the zip file from github, copy Terabyte.CssPicker folder to your App_Plugins folder.

We would like to make a nuget package for this project, but have not done so yet.


You need to supply 2 PreValues:

cssFile: the path to your css file where your selectors can be found

cssPrefrix: any selector that begins with this value will be shown in the picker.

The css class is saved to the DataValue (including prefix) ready to be output in your markup.

Questions, Bug Reports, Feature Requests

Please use github issues for these.


No current release

Package owner

Murray Roke

Murray Roke

Murray has 966 karma points

Package Information

  • Package owner: Murray Roke
  • Created: 03/03/2016
  • Current version 1.0
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 0

External resources