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TreeSort is a simple datatype that allows sorting and moving document nodes via visual drag and drop. It automatically updates your documents and refreshes the document tree.


- Sort by vertical drag and drop
- Promote by horizontally dragging to the left (NB. will only promote if arrow is showing)
- Demote and make child of preceding sibling by horizontally dragging to the right (NB. will only demote if arrow is showing)
- Visual and server side check to see if the document is part of the new parent's allowed document Types

Installation instructions:

Add the code below to the restExtensions.config file

<ext assembly="treesort_base" type="treesort_base.treesort_base" alias="treesort">
        <permission method="updateDocOrder" returnXml="false" allowAll="true" />
        <permission method="moveDoc" returnXml="false" allowAll="true" />

Uninstall instructions:

Manually clean up the restExtensions.config. Remove the ext code above

Files being installed:

- treesort dll in bin directory
- treesort ascx usercontrol in /usercontrols/webx/ directory
- left_arrow.png and right_arrow.png in /treesort directory
- treesort datatype


Just drop the treesort datatype into any document Type. Prefearably, create a new tab called TreeSort.

On the document you will see a list structure below, showing all children from the current document node

Valid promotion or demotion will show a green box around the new parent node. Invalid will show a red box. Sorting shows a yellow placeholder line to show sort position


This is my first package. It was based on an experiment. Let me know what you think and ways to improve it.

Visit us at www.webstruxure.co.nz




Package owner

Warren-Dean Langeveldt

Warren-Dean Langeveldt

Warren-Dean has 27 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Warren-Dean Langeveldt
  • Created: 19/09/2012
  • Current version 1.0
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 595

External resources