For what it's worth we're running a patched version of MNTP that accepts "$codegen" in the XPath expression, as in "$codegen/product [whatever='1']"... and invokes a c# function / triggers an event so you can compute a completely fully dynamic start node ID based upon the node & property currently being edited. Any interest in adding to core?
MNTP: Set the Start node ID dynamically
Is it possible to set the Start Node dynamically?
I want to use the current node as Start Node and choose from the children from it.
any idea?
thanks :)
Yes you can use the Xpath expersion for that:
if i check xpath type from current and expression "."
is that also possible?
I think you need to use $ancestorOrSelf, but if you only enter that the current node will become the start node.
got this and it works
Nice to know that you can also use "." :-).
For what it's worth we're running a patched version of MNTP that accepts "$codegen" in the XPath expression, as in "$codegen/product [whatever='1']"... and invokes a c# function / triggers an event so you can compute a completely fully dynamic start node ID based upon the node & property currently being edited. Any interest in adding to core?
Sounds like a nice feature! Do you have an example of the C# function that get's triggered?
is working on a reply...