9 votes

uMarketingSuite is now Umbraco Engage

Umbraco Engage is the future of uMarketingSuite, a popular package for Umbraco CMS that was acquired August 2024. The comprehensive marketing toolkit integrates seamlessly with Umbraco, providing digital marketers with tools to optimize content, target visitors, and execute campaigns effectively - all with complete data ownership.

Umbraco Engage is a direct continuation of uMarketingSuite, developed, maintained, and supported by Umbraco HQ.

Upgrading from uMarketingSuite to Umbraco Engage

  • The End of Life (EOL) date for uMarketingSuite 1.x is February 24 2025.
  • For uMarketingSuite 2.x the EOL date is November 7 2025.
  • You can find the uMarketingSuite to Umbraco Engage upgrade documentation here


Thise page will not be updated anymore.


Latest version is available on NuGet (Umbraco 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 compatible), as of 1.16 the ZIP on this page will not be updated anymore.

Simply install the package and unleash the marketing potential of your Umbraco website. It comes with additional out-of-the-box functionalities like A/B testing, 360 degrees profiling, lead-scoring, web analytics, personalization, e-mail and SMS marketing, marketing automation and campaigning.

More info can be found on www.umarketingsuite.com and on our YouTube-channel https://www.youtube.com/@umarketingsuite


  • Make sure you have an Umbraco 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13 website. 
  • The uMarketingSuite 1.x works on Umbraco 8.7 or above.
  • The uMarketingSuite 2.x works on Umbraco 10 or above.
  • Make sure you are using Azure SQL, SQL Server or LocalDb 2014 or higher. SQL CE is not supported.
  • Install the package by installing it via NuGet
  • Once installed, you will see the new section 'Marketing' in your backoffice
  • Register for license on www.umarketingsuite.com
  • Copy the license in the folder /config/uMarketingSuite/umarketingsuite.license.config
  • Restart the website
  • You are good to go!
If you find any bugs, please let us know on our GitHub-issuetracker:



  • 2.5.0 (August 2024): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-august-2024-improved-campaign-insights/
  • 2.4.0 (July 2024): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-july-2024-updated-ga4-event-tracking/
  • 2.3.0 (May 2024): https://umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-may-2024-improved-data-handling-and-profile-insights/
  • 2.2.0 (April 2024): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-april-2024-cockpit-and-performance-improvements/
  • 2.1.0 (March 2024): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-march-2024-split-url-a-b-testing/
  • 2.0.3 (February 2024): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-february-2024-commerce-integration/
  • 2.0.0 (January 2024): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-january-2024-umarketingsuite-2-0-is-out/
  • 1.26 (December 2023): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-december-2023-improved-a-b-testing-and-more/
  • 1.25 (November 2023): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-november-2023-headless/
  • 1.24 (September 2023): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-september-2023/
  • 1.23 (August 2023): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-august-2023/
  • 1.22 (July 2023): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-july-2023/
  • 1.22 RC (May 2023): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-may-2023/
  • 1.21.1 (February 15th, 2023): Bot traffic is not stored anymore, bugfixes and improvements. See https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-february-2023/
  • 1.20.5 (January 6th, 2023): Umbraco 11 support, Google Analytics 4 support, Event filter).
  • 1.20.4 (December 6th, 2022): Bugfix release, more reliable pageview collection (document/xhr), added Readme.md, Core segment end-time fix, flush rate records fix.
  • 1.20.3 (November 29th, 2022): Bugfix release, page variants (A/B test or personalization) no longer contain the friendly name from uMarketingSuite, Profiles last visitor is no longer chronological. Security fix Cockpit XSS.
  • 1.20.2 (November 18th, 2022): Goal completions fix in Analytics, Umbraco 9 compatibility fix
  • 1.20 (July 13th, 2022): Umbraco 10 support, other improvements and bug-fixes. See: https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-umbraco-10-support/
  • 1.19 (June 24th, 2022): New Analytics tab Time on page, NuGet package split, DeviceDetector upgrade, Profile performance improvements
  • 1.18 (May 9th, 2022): New Cockpit UI, Personalization improvements and a bunch of bug-fixes. See: https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-may-2022/
  • 1.17 (March 17th, 2022): Personalization Control Group, IP to location, Umbraco 9 optimizations, Bugfixes.
  • 1.16 (January 20th, 2022): Umbraco v9 support, Enable/disable switch in Settings -> Configuration, Advanced loader
  • 1.15 (November 25th, 2021): Umbraco Forms profile information, new segment parameter "Event triggered", drill-down on goals and the integration with the award winning content blocks package. See: https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-november-2021/
  • 1.14 (November 4th, 2021): Support for non-production cloud environments without license. Optimized Umbraco Form tracking (Anonymous to identified).
  • 1.13 (October 24th, 2021): Performance optimization, Module permissions, Profiles - Filter, Analytics - optimized bot detection. See https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-october-2021/
  • 1.12 (August 17th, 2021): Video & form event tracking, NOT option in segments. Interface for integration with external customer data platforms like CRM platforms. See: https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-summer-2021/
  • 1.11 (June 24th, 2021): Analytics - Campaigns, Segment parameter Campaigns, Segment implicit scoring, Performance improvements.
  • 1.10 (June 4th, 2021): Cockpit "be a segment", Content App badges, Profiles Member section, Developer Extensibility
  • 1.9 (April 30th, 2021): Profiles, Segment parameter "Has goal been reached", Stability and performance improvements.
  • 1.8 (April 9th, 2021): Profiles (in beta), Stability and performance improvements.
  • 1.7 (December 23rd, 2020): Developer Extensibility, Personalisation Insights, New personalisation segment parameters, UI and performance improvements, Bugfixes.See https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-developer-extensibility-and-much-more/
  • 1.6 (October 29th, 2020): Analytics - include subpages, Document Type and User group permissions, UI and functionality improvements, Bugfixes. See https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-permissions-polishing/
  • 1.5 (October 1st, 2020): A/B testing and Personalization on content level, Analytics tab Events, Insights in database storage consumption. See https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-splitview/
  • 1.4 (September 3rd, 2020): Applied Personalization, Analytics tab for new vs returning visitors and the uMarketingSuite cockpit for marketers. See https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-personalization-in-umarketingsuite/
  • 1.3 (August 2nd, 2020): Analytics tabs for browsers and device types, bugfixes and the brand new segment builder. See https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-umarketingsuite-1-3/
  • 1.2 (July 15th, 2020): Read all about this version in our product update: https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-july-2020/
  • 1.1 (June 15th, 2020): https://www.umarketingsuite.com/blog/product-update-june-2020/
  • 1.0.1 Fixed Umbraco cloud support and github issue https://github.com/uMarketingSolutions/uMarketingSuite/issues/1
  • 1.0.0 (April 30th, 2020): The initial release

Archived files

Source code

 Download package
version 2.6.2

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 8.2.0-9+

Install-Package uMarketingSuite

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 9+

dotnet add package uMarketingSuite

Package owner

Jeffrey Schoemaker

Jeffrey Schoemaker

Jeffrey has 2138 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Works on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (100%)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 8.17.x, 8.16.x, 8.15.x, 8.14.x, 8.13.x, 8.12.x, 8.11.x, 8.10.x, 8.9.x, 8.8.x, 8.2.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Jeffrey Schoemaker
  • Created: 23/01/2020
  • Current version 2.6.2
  • .NET version 4.7.2
  • License uMarketingSuite license
  • Downloads on Our: 3.3K
  • Downloads on NuGet: 119K
  • Total downloads : 122.4K