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  • Ryan Rueckl 17 posts 74 karma points
    Feb 16, 2016 @ 16:52
    Ryan Rueckl

    Vimeo not playing over https

    Playing a Vimeo video does not seem to work over https. I think I've narrowed down the issue and I've fixed it locally, but I don't see a github repo that I can commit the fix to.

    But basically, in vimeo.js at line 46, you have the line:

    this.baseUrl = (document.location.protocol == 'http:')? '' : '';

    but as per W3Schools specs, location.protocol must contain a colon. So the check should actually be:

    (document.location.protocol == 'https:').

    Also, just 301 redirects to, so I ultimately just changed the entire line to:

    this.baseUrl = document.location.protocol + '//';

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