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  • Robert 27 posts 226 karma points
    Dec 29, 2015 @ 21:43

    Extra data on invoice and query


    Currently building a rather complex e-commerce solution based on Merchello and must say Im very happy so far!

    However ran in to some trouble regarding "extra data".

    When the customer are about to finish a order and ends up i the checkout section there are some fields needed to be filled out, notification (SMS or phone), a phone number and a couple of other fields.

    My current solution is to just add a custom line item to the BasketSalePreparation with all these data in a ExtendedDataCollection, when finish it gets saved nice and easy on the invoice.

    To the problem, i need some simple (efficient) way to search all invoices with notification SMS. I can get all invoices and then loop through all lines to see if there´s a line with my custom type, check the ExtendedData if it contains SMS but this will surely kill the site.
    Best would be if specific values could be put right on the invoice and not as a line but seems as a rather large customisation.

    Would love some input on this as it´s currently a show stopper...

    Thanks and best regards

  • Rusty Swayne 1655 posts 4993 karma points c-trib
    Dec 29, 2015 @ 22:53
    Rusty Swayne

    Hey Robert - I would consider creating a DynamicEntityCollectionProvider by either subclassing CachedEntityCollectionProviderBase<IInvoice> or CachedQueryableEntityCollectionProviderBase<T> (if you want to add additional filters.

    The way they work is to query directly against the database to return a Page<Guid> that would match the invoice keys. So in your case you could right a query against the merchInvoiceItem table looking for your EntityTfKey that you defined for your custom line item and return the invoiceKey field for all invoices that contain that line item type.

    If you do this, you could pretty easily wire up the dynamic collection to appear in the Merchello back office similar to the Unpaid, Paid, Partially Paid invoice collections (assuming you subclass the CachedQueryableEntityCollectionProviderBase<T>

    Check out these providers to see if an implementation like this would work well for your client:

    Utilizing the base classes, much of the work is already done - and once you get what is going on, they are actually fairly quick to write.

    If you do decide you want the provider to show up in the back office, you would then add it to the Merchello.config file in the back office section:

      <!-- 1.11.0 adds default attributes localizeArea and localizeName with respective values of merchelloTree and the id att value e.g. products, sales, etc. -->
    <tree id="products" title="Products" icon="icon-barcode" routePath="merchello/merchello/productlist/manage" visible="true" sortOrder="1" />
    <tree id="sales" title="Sales" icon="icon-receipt-dollar" routePath="merchello/merchello/saleslist/manage" visible="true" sortOrder="2">
                Sets the order where self managed entity collection providers (like Unpaid invoices) are listed in the tree.
                If set to true, the resolved collections will be listed before the user defined collections.  False will list them
            <setting alias="selfManagedProvidersBeforeStaticProviders" value="true" />
                attribute: key - the provider key defined in the EntityCollectionProviderAttribute decorating the EntityCollectionProvider
                attribute: icon - is the icon displayed in the tree
                attribute: visible - indicates whether or not the collection should provider should create a tree node
                attribute: ref - not actually used, it is only here so that they can be managed more easily
            <entityCollectionProvider key="A8120A01-E9BF-4204-ADDD-D9553F6F24FE" icon="icon-bills" visible="true" ref="Unpaid invoices" />
            <entityCollectionProvider key="82015B97-11E8-4E57-8258-A59E1D378E04" icon="icon-bills" visible="true" ref="Partially paid invoices" />
            <entityCollectionProvider key="072E0671-31BE-41E4-8CF9-4AEEC6CC5BC6" icon="icon-bills" visible="true" ref="Paid invoices" />
            <entityCollectionProvider key="5FD6E5EB-0B7C-41A4-B863-7AEC31BE84C0" icon="icon-truck" visible="true" ref="Unfulfilled orders" />
            <entityCollectionProvider key="A9A288F3-DA98-4712-9E90-F9F909F2C26A" icon="icon-truck" visible="true" ref="Open orders" />
            <entityCollectionProvider key="68B57648-7550-4702-8223-C5574B7C0604" icon="icon-truck" visible="true" ref="Fulfilled orders" />
    <tree id="customers" title="Customers" icon="icon-user-glasses" routePath="merchello/merchello/customerlist/manage" visible="true" sortOrder="3" />
    <tree id="marketing" title="Marketing" icon="icon-energy-saving-bulb" routePath="merchello/merchello/offerslist/manage" visible="true" sortOrder="4" />
    <tree id="reports" title="Reports" icon="icon-file-cabinet" routePath="merchello/merchello/reportslist/manage" visible="false" sortOrder="5" />
    <tree id="gateways" title="Gateway Providers" icon="icon-settings" routePath="merchello/merchello/gatewayproviderlist/manage" visible="true" sortOrder="6" />
  • Robert 27 posts 226 karma points
    Dec 30, 2015 @ 10:06

    Hi Rusty and big thanks for your reply!

    Perfect! This seems to solve my problem perfectly!

    Im going to use this frontside so i need some way to get hold of my provider in order to query dynamiclly.

    So far i've created a new provider subclassing
    CachedQueryableEntityCollectionProviderBase<IInvoice>, added it to merchello.config,
    <entityCollectionProvider key="DBD5786A-7933-41CA-8565-3EC25D4F6B5F" icon="icon-???" visible="true" ref="Invoice customer" />.
    I now try to get the provider using
    var provider = MerchelloContext.Current.Services.EntityCollectionService.GetByProviderKey(new Guid("DBD5786A-7933-41CA-8565-3EC25D4F6B5F"));
    but i cant seem to figure out how to call PerformGetPagedEntityKeys where my custom query resides.

    Thanks again!

  • Rusty Swayne 1655 posts 4993 karma points c-trib
    Dec 30, 2015 @ 16:33
    Rusty Swayne

    Hey Robert,

    Ah, right - should have explained that a bit further. I would suggest just doing the actual database query directly via PetaPoco rather than going through the InvoiceService similar to the way you would do if you were to add a custom table to Umbraco. That way you don't have to break into the Merchello InvoiceRepository (which is internal) ...

    1st, create a little poco:

    [PrimaryKey("pk", autoIncrement = false)]
    internal class KeyDto : IPageableDto
        public Guid Key { get; set; }

    For the query with a search term, to save time, you could simply copy the build SQL method from the repository into a private method in your class (or a base class if you are going to do more than one).

    Add a private method to do the actual query

        // valid orderExpression any field in merchInvoice table e.g.  "invoicenumber", "invoicedate", "billtoname", "billtoemail" 
        // sort direction is a public enum
        private Page<KeyDto> GetKeyDtoPage(long page, long itemsPerPage, Sql sql, string orderExpression, SortDirection sortDirection = SortDirection.Descending)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderExpression))
                sql.Append(sortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending
                    ? string.Format("ORDER BY {0} ASC", orderExpression)
                    : string.Format("ORDER BY {0} DESC", orderExpression));
            var database = ApplicationContext.Current.Database;
            return database.Page<TDto>(page, itemsPerPage, sql);

    Then, in your PerformGetPagedEntityKeys method build your sql

      var sql = BuildInvoiceSearchSql(searchTerm);
            sql.Append("AND ([merchInvoice].[pk] IN (");
            sql.Append("SELECT DISTINCT(invoiceKey)");
            sql.Append("FROM [merchInvoiceItem]");
            sql.Append("WHERE [merchInvoiceItem].[lineItemTfKey] = @litf", new { @litf = [YOUR CUSTOM LineItemTfKey] });

    and then call the GetKeyDtoPage.

    You will get stuck again on internals with the GetPageFromKeyPage method (which I've now made public), but the method is pretty simple:

              public Page<IInvoice> GetPageFromKeyPage(Page<Guid> keyPage, Func<IEnumerable<IInvoice>> getter)
            return new Page<IInvoice>()
                Context = keyPage.Context,
                CurrentPage = keyPage.CurrentPage,
                ItemsPerPage = keyPage.ItemsPerPage,
                TotalItems = keyPage.TotalItems,
                TotalPages = keyPage.TotalPages,
                Items = getter.Invoke().ToList()

    This method is really only used in the fallback in the cases the invoice does not exist in Merchello InvoiceIndex (Examine).

    I'm really interested to hear how it goes. You've already pointed out a few things that would make these sorts of solutions easier =) Many thanks for that!

  • Rusty Swayne 1655 posts 4993 karma points c-trib
    Dec 30, 2015 @ 16:39
    Rusty Swayne

    Oh - forgot to mention, if you only need this on the front end, you do not have to add it to the back office. Since the collection key is defined in the attribute, you can add it to your site constants and then query directly from the MerchelloHelper using the GetFromCollection method.

      var merchello = new MerchelloHelper();
      // method has a few overloads
      var results = merchello.Query.Invoice.GetFromCollection( ... );

    This first queries the database for the page of keys only and then looks to Examine to fine matching invoices. If any of the invoices are not in Examine it will do the full graph query base on the missing Key as a fallback. This will be quicker for your front end.

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