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  • Michael Griffith 9 posts 79 karma points
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 20:33
    Michael Griffith

    Error Parsing Query When Fulfilling Shipment

    Hello everyone,

    I'm hoping someone may be able to assist me with a weird bug I've encountered with the Merchello when attempting to create a shipment. The error reads as follows:

    "There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 518,Token in error = UPDATE ]"

    I've pinpointed the exception to being thrown in the function SaveDetachedContents(IEnumerabel

    I've pulled the sqlStatement to see what could be causing the issue and it reads as follows:

    sqlStatement = " UPDATE [merchProductVariantDetachedContent] SET [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[detachedContentTypeKey] = @0, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[templateId] = @1, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[slug] = @2, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[values] = @3, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[canBeRendered] = @4, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[updateDate] = @5 WHERE [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[cultureName] = @6 AND [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[productVariantKey] = @7 UPDATE [merchProductVariantDetachedContent] SET [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[detachedContentTypeKey] = @8, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[templateId] = @9, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[slug] = @10, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[values] = @11, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[canBeRendered] = @12, [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[updateDate] = @13 WHERE [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[cultureName] = @14 AND [merchProductVariantDetachedContent].[productVariantKey] = @15"

    Using the debugger I've removed the second update statement and executed the code with just everything up to @7 and the shipment gets created, but I'm assuming that it's not updating the inventory or something of the sort? I tried pulling merchello head of github and issue persists there.

    Can anyone advise me on this one?

    Note that I am using SQLCE for this case


    Michael Griffith

  • Michael Griffith 9 posts 79 karma points
    Aug 17, 2017 @ 15:26
    Michael Griffith

    After letting things run their course some more I noticed the issue occurs explicitly when there are only two variants in the order. Currently my work around, that appears to be working, is changing the sqlStatement variable in SaveDetachedContents to be a List

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