3 votes


uKnowledgeBase 0.81 Beta 1st August 2012

  1. Fixes silly installation mistakes I made when building the project - apologies to the 19 people that have downloaded and tried to install it.
  2. You should now be able to install this into your empty Umbraco site using Web Matrix or any standalone with SQL Server or SQL CE
  3. Replaces FamFam icons with standard icons
  4. Added post installation instructions

uKnowledgeBase 0.7 Beta

uKnowledgeBase for Umbraco is a complete Starter Kit in a box that allows you to create a fully featured Knowledge Base system in Umbraco.

It has the following features:

1. Comprehensive article management system

2. Ratings engine (Ajax and cookie controlled)

3. Tag searches

4. Fixed searches

5. Configurable products and categories

6. Send client direct to article using ID

7. Feedback form

A fully working implemented example can be seen on our live site http://www.simonantony.net/knowledge-base/ - this is a customised version of this release and is available to our clients at a reasonable cost - it does show how flexible the package is.

We've released it as source code https://bitbucket.org/SimonAntony/uknowledgebase and as a standalone package - in theory, the package should install everything you need but if this fails, we have also provided the full site plus database so you can literally install, connect the db, change the connection string and be up and running within 10 minutes!

The stylesheets and master pages are fully editable, the source is available for the dotnet controls.

Master Page Setup and using the controls

  • Article Type Dropdown - needs pointing to the node 'KB Lists/Article Types'
  • Category List - needs pointing to the node 'KB Lists/Categories'
  • Products List - needs pointing to the node 'KB Lists/Products'
  • You will also potentially need to modify the source params for the various macros
  • used in the masterpages to point to the new ID's - to make it easier for you, this is where the current ID's point to so you can remap:
  • Alias="[NET]KB_Search" Macro Categories: 1649 & Products: 1654
  • Alias="KB_LeftMenuItem" Macro set ParentNodeID to node id of 'KB Lists/Filter By'
  • Alias="KB_PopularRecent" Macro set ParentNodeID to node id of 'Articles'

This should be enough to get you running. If all else fails, download the full kit including DB from BitBucket and try that one. You can then modify to suit and integrate with your site.


James Peel at Industry Digital for the CSS/Layout - I actually did this for one of Jame's clients a couple of years ago

http://imar.spaanjaars.com/410/building-a-simple-rating-control-for-aspnet-20 for the Ratings engine


Package owner

Simon steed

Simon steed

Simon has 700 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Simon steed
  • Contributors: Roger
  • Created: 24/07/2012
  • Current version 0.81
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 1.2K