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uPersonalize brings personalization to Umbraco in a content friendly way! With uPersonalize, backoffice users are able to configure specific components to render differently on a page depending on conditions sepcific to individual users on your website. For example, below is a demo of using uPersonalize to hide text if a user has been to the home page 10 times.


  • uPersonalize currently suppports the following personalization conditions:
  • If a user's IP address matches an IP range (i.e. 31.10.xx.xxx would match UK IP addresses)
  • If a user's device matches a specific type (i.e. Andriod vs iPhone)
  • If a user has visited a specified page or visited the page X number of times
  • If a user triggered an event or triggered it X number of times
  • User's logged in status using OOTB member functionality
  • If today's date and time is before or after a specified date and time.


Once a condition has been met, the following actions can be taken:


  • Hide the personalized component
  • Show the personalized component
  • Add additional CSS classes the personalized component


For further documentation on how to install and use uPersonalize, checkout out our wiki pages. https://github.com/rbaconsulting/uPersonalize/wiki

If you have an issue or bug to report, you can raise the issue within the issues area of this repository. https://github.com/rbaconsulting/uPersonalize/issues

Before doing so however, please check if your issue or bug has already been reported, and/or if is currently being worked on within an active project. https://github.com/rbaconsulting/uPersonalize/projects?type=classic


NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 9+

dotnet add package uPersonalize

Package owner

Austin Gilbert

Austin Gilbert

Austin has 73 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (0%)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Austin Gilbert
  • Created: 06/05/2022
  • Current version 9.2.0
  • License MPL 2.0
  • Downloads on Our: 115