This must be a bug, but if you have a folder with date folders below it created with AutoFolders, then publish the main folder and all children folders, you get this:
I couldn't figure it out so I created a modified version of Nibble's DateFolder package. I added some of the functionality of AutoFolders, like specify the date property and auto-move republished nodes, but it's simpler and seemingly more stable than AutoFolders. I just didn't get the whole rootFolder thing with AutoFolders. The way I did it is I check if the saved document's parent is a DateFolder. If it is, I go up the node tree recursively until I find a parent that is NOT, then i create the dateFolders starting from that node. Works quite well.
What versions of Umbraco / Autofolders are you using?
Looking at your config, it looks like you've got your ' rootFolders="//* [@isDoc and @level=2] ' attribute in the wrong place - this should be an attribute of <autofolder /> , not <folderProvider /> .
I've also found that for config changes to take effect you have to disturb the autofolders.dll in the bin (move it out the bin and then back in).
Republishing Causes Nested Nodes / Folder Structure
This must be a bug, but if you have a folder with date folders below it created with AutoFolders, then publish the main folder and all children folders, you get this:
Notice: 2010 > 01 > 2010 > 11?
Here's the screen cap:
Only seems to affect 2010 folders... Hmmm...
Had this issue also, but it was a misconfiguration, so check out the documentation and your configutation...
Think it was the definition which masterdoctype to use from, but I am not sure cause this some time ago...
hth, Thomas
I couldn't figure it out so I created a modified version of Nibble's DateFolder package. I added some of the functionality of AutoFolders, like specify the date property and auto-move republished nodes, but it's simpler and seemingly more stable than AutoFolders. I just didn't get the whole rootFolder thing with AutoFolders. The way I did it is I check if the saved document's parent is a DateFolder. If it is, I go up the node tree recursively until I find a parent that is NOT, then i create the dateFolders starting from that node. Works quite well.
I am also having this republishing problem.
I re-built the autofolders dll to fix the initial publishing issue and that works ok.
However once my node is published and I modify the date - the structure is again created at the level of the node I am editting and not at level 2.
Here is my config - if anyone could help that would be great..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<folderProvider alias="DateFolderProvider_Simple"
<property alias="MonthFormat">MM</property>
<property alias="YearFormat">yyyy</property>
<property alias="DateField">commentaryDate</property>
<folderProvider alias="DateFolderProvider_Full"
rootFolders="//* [@isDoc and @level=2]"
<property alias="MonthFormat">MM</property>
<property alias="YearFormat">yyyy</property>
<property alias="DateField">commentaryDate</property>
<autoFolder docType="CommentaryDetail"
folderDocType="AutoFolder" />
Hi Stuart,
What versions of Umbraco / Autofolders are you using?
Looking at your config, it looks like you've got your ' rootFolders="//* [@isDoc and @level=2] ' attribute in the wrong place - this should be an attribute of <autofolder /> , not <folderProvider /> .
I've also found that for config changes to take effect you have to disturb the autofolders.dll in the bin (move it out the bin and then back in).
is working on a reply...