1 vote

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This package has been flagged as retired by the package owner. Continue to use at your own risk

Block List MVC

If you are not the type of developer that likes to put business logic in your views, then the ability to have a controller for you partial view is a must. Block List MVC gives you the ability, to create Surface Controllers, to use when rendering items from a Block List in Umbraco.


For more information, see the project page in GitHub


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version 0.1.0

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 8.7.0-8.18.15

Install-Package Our.Umbraco.BlockListMvc

Package owner

Søren Kottal

Søren Kottal

Søren has 4571 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 8.12.x, 8.11.x, 8.10.x, 8.9.x, 8.8.x, 8.7.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Søren Kottal
  • Created: 28/03/2021
  • Current version 0.1.0
  • .NET version 4.7.2
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 143