It would be a great addition to CMS import if you allowed partial document updates like setting specific properties of existing documents.
To that end, exposing the ID of a document during the import process would make mapping to existing data easier.
We often bulk post-process documents during the creation phase of new CMS systems (e.g. legacy system import) - and CMS import currently does not really work well to break up batches of imports into smaller steps.
Maybe you could give that workflow some thought in a future revision...
Update improvements
It would be a great addition to CMS import if you allowed partial document updates like setting specific properties of existing documents.
To that end, exposing the ID of a document during the import process would make mapping to existing data easier.
We often bulk post-process documents during the creation phase of new CMS systems (e.g. legacy system import) - and CMS import currently does not really work well to break up batches of imports into smaller steps.
Maybe you could give that workflow some thought in a future revision...
Hi Peter,
That is on the list. Only thing is that it could be very complicated in UI. But it will be in some day :)
Richard, thanks for your consideration.
is working on a reply...