Importing members from Excel and autoassign member groups
A customer of has bought a register with 2500 people and now they want to import them as members in Umbraco and assign them to membergroups automatically.
Yes that is possible. You can export the file to a csv format and then import the file using CMSImport. In the mapping step you will be asked to assign the membergroup. The free edition is limited to import only 500 records at the time. If you want to import all members at once you can buy the Pro license via
Please let me know if you have any more questions.
If trial version installing manually - record in table 'umbracoAppTree' from script have treeHandlerType equal ApplicationTree.CMSImportProTree instead ApplicationTree.CMSImportTree !!!!!!
Importing members from Excel and autoassign member groups
A customer of has bought a register with 2500 people and now they want to import them as members in Umbraco and assign them to membergroups automatically.
Is that possible?
Yes that is possible. You can export the file to a csv format and then import the file using CMSImport. In the mapping step you will be asked to assign the membergroup. The free edition is limited to import only 500 records at the time. If you want to import all members at once you can buy the Pro license via
Please let me know if you have any more questions.
If trial version installing manually - record in table 'umbracoAppTree' from script have treeHandlerType equal ApplicationTree.CMSImportProTree instead ApplicationTree.CMSImportTree !!!!!!
Thanks you for reporting updating that ASAP.
is working on a reply...