That is because the pro_publish is a child node, CMSImport will not show the childnodes so you will only see the program elements and attributes. This is both in the free and pro edition.
Maybe you can flatten down the file using xslt and use that rendered output as input for CMSImport?
Not all nodes from my XML source are visible
I'm trying to import this source:
And this is what I use as my xpath expression: descendant::program
But the childnode pro_publish and it's children are not selectable in the mapping part.
Is that a restriction in the free version or is it just not possible ?
That is because the pro_publish is a child node, CMSImport will not show the childnodes so you will only see the program elements and attributes. This is both in the free and pro edition.
Maybe you can flatten down the file using xslt and use that rendered output as input for CMSImport?
is working on a reply...