I have a problem with danish characters when using the type "Send email, extened". When i use the standard Send email-type there is no problem with the characters, but when i switch to extended the characters Æ Ø Å in the mail is displayed as "?". Like this:
"s? han m?lte ud til et skab der var 170/75 cm. i h?jden, det kan lade sig g?re n?r skuffen under det nuv?rende skab fjernes, det skulle jeg selv g?re. et par dage efter ringede han og fortalte at det nye skab var p? vej, desv?rre er det ikke n?et"
I downloaded the sourcecode and saw that when sending the mail the BodyEncoding was not set properly.. So i added a line as below with Unicode and now my emails are sent with the proper characters...
Special characters when using extended mail
I have a problem with danish characters when using the type "Send email, extened". When i use the standard Send email-type there is no problem with the characters, but when i switch to extended the characters Æ Ø Å in the mail is displayed as "?". Like this:
"s? han m?lte ud til et skab der var 170/75 cm. i h?jden, det kan lade sig g?re n?r skuffen under det nuv?rende skab fjernes, det skulle jeg selv g?re. et par dage efter ringede han og fortalte at det nye skab var p? vej, desv?rre er det ikke n?et"
Hope somebody can help me out :)
i have this same problem for a client.... any solutions?
I downloaded the sourcecode and saw that when sending the mail the BodyEncoding was not set properly.. So i added a line as below with Unicode and now my emails are sent with the proper characters...
is working on a reply...