if current node is one of year or month, give a option to let user enable auto detect if it's created by datefolders.
Let me use a image to explaim what I want to say:
1. I created a node named test with Simple website, then the node auto be in 2011/08. then, I want to right click 08 to create asdf, and I hope asdf it's in 08, but asdf it's in 2011/08/2011/07.
So, Could you give our a option to enable or disable one function like this: It can auto detect if 2011/08 is created by dateFolders, if it is, the new created node should auto add into 2011/08, if it isn't, so add it into 2011/08/2011/07.
I know the simplest way is detect the node name, but the name is so simple so somethings that you don't want may happen. so, I suggest you give user a switch in config file to let user decide it is need to enable this.
Hey all, I've implemented functionality to enforce a correct year/month/day folder structure. If enabled the user wont be able to create folders like "Simple website/2011/08/2011/07".
Next time I'll be changing something to the DateFolders package I'll include your fix Niek, thanks. Although I never allow the content editors to create anything beneath a DateFolder document, so this issue never occurs for me. I'm only allowing them to create new items beneath, let's say, 'News'.
Have you included Niek's fix yet? I need to be able to copy nodes from one day to another (and then change the date afterwards of course). This also produced the same issue Sun gets.
if current node is one of year or month, give a option to let user enable auto detect if it's created by datefolders.
Let me use a image to explaim what I want to say:
1. I created a node named test with Simple website, then the node auto be in 2011/08. then, I want to right click 08 to create asdf, and I hope asdf it's in 08, but asdf it's in 2011/08/2011/07.
So, Could you give our a option to enable or disable one function like this: It can auto detect if 2011/08 is created by dateFolders, if it is, the new created node should auto add into 2011/08, if it isn't, so add it into 2011/08/2011/07.
I know the simplest way is detect the node name, but the name is so simple so somethings that you don't want may happen. so, I suggest you give user a switch in config file to let user decide it is need to enable this.
Seriously, you're unstoppable! :-)
And thanks again for the great suggestion!
I just try my best to let dateFolders to be better.
and other question: if I use docform to create a node, can it be auto in year/month ?
Hmm I'm not sure... You'd have to try ;-)
Hey all, I've implemented functionality to enforce a correct year/month/day folder structure. If enabled the user wont be able to create folders like "Simple website/2011/08/2011/07".
The source is available here:
Add this key/value pair to your appSettings section in the web.config to enforce the year/month/day folder structure:
Key: "datefolders:ForceDateFolderStructure" - boolean indicating whether or not the year/month/day folder structure should be enforced
Hope this feature can be merged into the official package!
Great, But I do like structure as year/month, no need day as folder I think.
Next time I'll be changing something to the DateFolders package I'll include your fix Niek, thanks.
Although I never allow the content editors to create anything beneath a DateFolder document, so this issue never occurs for me. I'm only allowing them to create new items beneath, let's say, 'News'.
This fix doesn't depend on 'Day' folders ;-)
Hey kipusoep,
Have you included Niek's fix yet? I need to be able to copy nodes from one day to another (and then change the date afterwards of course). This also produced the same issue Sun gets.
I'm afraid not Giovanni
is working on a reply...