I'm using this datatype for custom member properties which works fine. I am trying to apply it to this profile editor macro - http://umbracoprofileeditor.codeplex.com/
I am having trouble getting the selected bvalue of the member property selected in the drop down list using this code:
var dataEditorControl = property.PropertyType.DataTypeDefinition.DataType.DataEditor.Editor; dataEditorControl.ID = string.Format("editor{0}", property.PropertyType.Name);
var controlType = dataEditorControl.GetType().ToString(); switch (controlType) { case "Mindbus.DropDownDataEditor": {
How to access values programatically
I'm using this datatype for custom member properties which works fine. I am trying to apply it to this profile editor macro - http://umbracoprofileeditor.codeplex.com/
I am having trouble getting the selected bvalue of the member property selected in the drop down list using this code:
Can you advise how to access the selected value from
is working on a reply...