17 votes
Nant backup and restore
** This is highly Beta **
This Project is just a nant build that you can use to archive instances of Umbraco to a zip file and then restore them to a new instance. (An instance consists of an IIS site, and a database)
If you find errors please report/fix them so we can improve this for everyone.
This has been tested on:
- Windows 7 ultimate
- IIS 7.5
- SQL Server 2008 R2
It won't work with non IIS/SQL setup.
Requirements to run:
- Nant - Tested with 0.9.0
- NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll
Before running confiure the following in your build script:
- web.root - a folder where you keep you IIS sites
- windows.path - c:\windows etc
- sql.data.dir - path to put SQL server data and log files.
- contrib.assembly - path to NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll
- ole.db - OLEDB provider connection to your database
To backup:
- nant backup -D:umb.src=d:\www\4.7 -D:zip.file=umb4.7.clean.zip
To Restore
- nant restore -D:zip.file=umb4.7.clean.zip -D:target.name=targetsite
Backup performs the following operations:
- Stop IIS
- Copy files to temp folder
- Backup database to temp foler
- Zip files including www root and db backup
- start iis
Restore performs the following operations:
- Stop IIS
- Create folder for new website - $(web.root}/${target.name}
- Create new IIS site with .net 4 App Pool - both named ${target.name}
- Crate new database and login - dbname, login, password all equal ${target.name}
- Add a host entry ${target.name}.local
- Update connection string in new site web.config
- Start IIS
- Package Files
- Documentation
- Source code
- Archived Files