Does the /App_Data/Logs file reveal anything? I'm not sure if this package is compatible with 6.2.x out of the box. I know that there were some issues when using it on 6.1.x releases - If I remember correctly this fork fixes some of those issues - Don't know if it's an option to try and compile this version and use it instead?
Missing Standard Values folder in version 6.2.5
Successful install and tried recycle and iisreset but no standard values folder in settings section.
Any help appreciated.
Is this after an upgrade? Maybe it's not in the trees.config or applications.config anymore.
Hi Jeroen,
No this is a new install of 6.2.5
This is the entry in the trees.config
<add silent="false" initialize="true" sortOrder="8" alias="standardValues" application="settings" title="Standard Values" iconClosed="folder_o.gif" iconOpen="folder.gif" assembly="Sitereactor.StandardValues" type="Trees.LoadStandardValues" action="" />
applications.config seems OK
<add alias="content" name="Content" icon=".traycontent" sortOrder="0" />
<add alias="media" name="Media" icon=".traymedia" sortOrder="1" />
<add alias="settings" name="Settings" icon=".traysettings" sortOrder="2" />
<add alias="developer" name="Developer" icon=".traydeveloper" sortOrder="3" />
<add alias="users" name="Users" icon=".trayusers" sortOrder="4" />
<add alias="member" name="Members" icon=".traymember" sortOrder="5" />
<add alias="translation" name="Translation" icon=".traytranslation" sortOrder="6" />
Hi Digby
Does the /App_Data/Logs file reveal anything? I'm not sure if this package is compatible with 6.2.x out of the box. I know that there were some issues when using it on 6.1.x releases - If I remember correctly this fork fixes some of those issues - Don't know if it's an option to try and compile this version and use it instead?
That fork appears to be several years old. Not sure it will even work with 6.2.5. Anyone have suggestions?
I am seeing this error in the logs, not sure if it is related?
is working on a reply...