4 votes


uBackup is a developer tool that backs up Javascript, Stylesheets, Masterpages, Razors and XSLTs before they are saved within Umbraco.

Have you ever let an external or freelance developer update files within umbraco cms outside of a versioned system such as GIT or SVN?  Imagine they accidently break something and you need to roll back to the most recent working version, well with this package you can.  All backed up source code can be accessed under the uBackup dashboard control under the 'Settings' section.

How does it work?

When the developer tries to save a Javascript, Stylesheet, Masterpage, Razor or XSLT, uBackup will create a backup under /app_data/uBackup/

How to roll back?

Simply, go to the 'Settings' section of Umbraco, under the uBackup tab you will find a the uBackup dashboard control.  Choose what type of file you wish to access the backed up version for, then choose the file and then choose your version!  When you choose your version, the source code will be inserted into a textarea so you can restore the file back to it's functional state.

In the dashboard control, the version name is made up of:

year_saved + month_saved + day_saved + hour_saved + minute_saved + second_saved + file name + extension

Also please give feedback :)

I hope this package is of use to anyone who needs this type of functionality! :)

Whats new in 1.4

V1.3 has only been out a day but this version has the uBackup Dashboard Control that enables you to access your backups through the dashboard control and view the backed up source code.  This should allow you to roll back if ever any sourcecode breaks on your web site.  Enjoy ;)

It was built for Umbraco 4.9.x but is also reported to work with 4.10.  All other versions are untested/unreported.


Package owner

Craig Noble

Craig Noble

Craig has 584 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Craig Noble
  • Created: 28/10/2012
  • Current version 1.4
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 2.6K

External resources