Is there a option to inject a custom SQL query to UI-O-Matic.
I need to create a dedicated view for some data, that is Date centric and it groups many records.
public static void CreatedQuery(object sender, QueryEventArgs e)
if (e.CurrentType == typeof(SendSatateLogFiltered))
e.Query = new Sql(@"
FROM [mSendStateLog] as i1
inner join (
FROM [mSendStateLog] as i1
where i1.Created > @0
group by [MM]
having MAX(cast(Synced as int)) = 0
) as i3
on i1.ID = i3.mId
", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
UI-O-Matic custum sql query
Is there a option to inject a custom SQL query to UI-O-Matic. I need to create a dedicated view for some data, that is Date centric and it groups many records.
Thank you!
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Yup that's possible, you can use the event model for that and basically override the query , this should get you started,
That's looks great.
Thank you!
I did implement as suggested. But I have a problem with pagination I guess.
SQL Server does return 164 record, but with the same query in UI-O-Matic I do get back only 40 record (4pages)
Any idea?
And the method.
is working on a reply...