18 votes



Also, it violates the terms for package listings on Our. Unfortunately it doesn't seem possible to delete a package from Our, so tough luck. Surely someday it will be possible, and Umport will be deleted. 


Tired of deploying your Umbraco configuration click by click?

Umport helps you automate the deployment of your Umbraco configuration between environments. Simply export the configuration of the source environment and import it on the target environment and you're good to go.

Umport also features an analyzer option, that lets you review the pending changes BEFORE you import them on the target environment.

Since Umport exports all settings as XML, it is also an excellent tool for version controlling your Umbraco configuration.

For Umbraco 7.1+ Umport supports automatic export of changed/updated/deleted configuration items. You can enable this in the Umport config file (/Config/Umport.config).

For Umbraco 7.2+ you can pick and choose what you want to import on the target environment.

For Umbraco 7.3+ Umport can integrate with your CI builds. See the ReadMe file for details.

Umport currently supports:

  • Document types
  • Media types
  • Data types
  • Macros
  • Templates
  • Member types
  • Member groups (optional)
  • Languages (7.1+ only)
  • Dictionary (7.1+ only)

For the time being there is no support for the datatype and content folders in 7.4. Umport won't work if you're using folders.

Note there are different packages for different versions of Umbraco. The minor version of the package refers to the supported Umbraco version(s):

  • Umport version x.600.x.x for Umbraco version 6.0 and 6.1
  • Umport version x.710.x.x for Umbraco version 7.1
  • Umport version x.720.x.x for Umbraco version 7.2
  • Umport version x.730.x.x for Umbraco version 7.3
  • Umport version x.740.x.x for Umbraco version 7.4


Please check the ReadMe file before using Umport.



Source code

Package owner

Kenn Jacobsen

Kenn Jacobsen

Kenn has 791 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 7.4.x, 7.3.x, 7.1.x, 7.0.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Kenn Jacobsen
  • Created: 01/04/2014
  • Current version 1.740.1.1
  • .NET version 4.0,4.5
  • License No license
  • Downloads on Our: 7.8K