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  • Arjan Woldring 124 posts 231 karma points
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 14:12
    Arjan Woldring

    uSync 2.2 Installation error in U7.1

    Hi Kevin, thanks for the updated package.

    I have a problem installing the package, it basically makes my whole backend and frontend inaccesible. The whole installation is pretty much screwed. Only if I delete your DLL's manually, I can access everything again. Sorry it is in Dutch but it is an object reference not set to an instance of an object error.

    De objectverwijzing is niet op een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.
    Details van uitzondering: System.NullReferenceException: De objectverwijzing is niet op een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.
    [NullReferenceException: De objectverwijzing is niet op een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.]
       jumps.umbraco.usync.uSync.GetSettings() +66
       jumps.umbraco.usync.uSync.DoOnStart() +103
       jumps.umbraco.usync.uSync.OnApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase httpApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext) +5
       Umbraco.Core.CoreBootManager.<Complete>b__5(IApplicationEventHandler x) +19
       Umbraco.Core.EnumerableExtensions.ForEach(IEnumerable`1 items, Action`1 action) +141
       Umbraco.Core.CoreBootManager.Complete(Action`1 afterComplete) +94
       Umbraco.Web.WebBootManager.Complete(Action`1 afterComplete) +38
       Umbraco.Core.UmbracoApplicationBase.StartApplication(Object sender, EventArgs e) +158
       Umbraco.Core.UmbracoApplicationBase.Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) +9
    [HttpException (0x80004005): De objectverwijzing is niet op een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.]
       System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.EnsureAppStartCalledForIntegratedMode(HttpContext context, HttpApplication app) +9905689
       System.Web.HttpApplication.RegisterEventSubscriptionsWithIIS(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context, MethodInfo[] handlers) +118
       System.Web.HttpApplication.InitSpecial(HttpApplicationState state, MethodInfo[] handlers, IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +172
       System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.GetSpecialApplicationInstance(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +336
       System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.InitializeApplication(IntPtr appContext) +296
    [HttpException (0x80004005): De objectverwijzing is niet op een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.]
       System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +9885044
       System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +101
       System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) +254
  • Kevin Jump 2319 posts 14774 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 15:27
    Kevin Jump

    Oh dear.

    It looks like their is something wrong with your usyncsettings.config file - the GetSettings() function just loads the config in - did you have a previous version running? or was this a fresh usync install?

    I'll have a look in the code to see if i can put better checking in the config bits, but for now, you can remove the jumps.umbraco.usync.dll (which is usync) or copy the config from the pacakge zip file into the config folder to get it up and running.


  • Kevin Jump 2319 posts 14774 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 15:53
    Kevin Jump

    Hi - I've put some more fail logic into the settings - so it should at least not do this.

    When the config file is missing or corrupted - usync will run with the default settings (Read = True, Write=False, Attach=True)

    but i would be interested to know if your install has the usyncsettings.config file and if it does what it looks like.


  • Arjan Woldring 124 posts 231 karma points
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 16:06
    Arjan Woldring

    Thanks for your effort! I had uSync installed. Sure, this is my config file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="usync" type="jumps.umbraco.usync.uSyncSettingsSection,jumps.umbraco.usync" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
      <usync read="false" write="false" attach="false" folder="~/uSync/" archive="~/uSync.Archive" versions="true" preserve="false">
          <add key="f8d60f68-ec59-4974-b43b-c46eb5677985" value="Colour Picker"/>
          <add key="b4471851-82b6-4c75-afa4-39fa9c6a75e9" value="checkbox list"/>
          <add key="a74ea9c9-8e18-4d2a-8cf6-73c6206c5da6" value="dropdown"/>
          <add key="928639ed-9c73-4028-920c-1e55dbb68783" value="dropdown multiple" />
          <add key="a52c7c1c-c330-476e-8605-d63d3b84b6a6" value="radiobox" />
          <add key="7e062c13-7c41-4ad9-b389-41d88aeef87c" value="Multi Node Tree Picker" />
        <!-- turn bits on/off - default is on (true) (for backwards compatability) -->
          dictionary ="false"
        <!-- experimental (v1.5+)-->
            DocumentTypes -> DeletePropertyValues - 
              remove property values that are not in the uSync file 
  • Kevin Jump 2319 posts 14774 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 16:22
    Kevin Jump


    that works for me as a config, it's possible it's an encoding issue, the umbracotracelog.txt (in app_data/logs) might shed more light on it.

    for example if the propertynames are mangled you get

    jumps.umbraco.usync.uSyncSettings - [Thread 48] Error loading settings file System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized attribute 'refad'. 

    At the moment I'm just continuing to alter and try to break the config file in as many ways as possible so I can capture all the errors.


  • Arjan Woldring 124 posts 231 karma points
    Apr 05, 2014 @ 10:52
    Arjan Woldring

    Hi Kevin, I couldn't find any other error in the logs. So I deleted the old uSync first and made sure that the uSync config file was deleted because of maybe an encoding issue as you suggested. After that I downloaded 2.2.2 and it installed perfectly fine!

    Thanks so much for your help and for this awesome package!

  • Emma Garland 41 posts 123 karma points MVP 7x c-trib
    Dec 01, 2014 @ 02:10
    Emma Garland

    Hi, just to add, I had this issue when I had deployed my site but not included the USync config file. I added the file and still had the error - so don't forget to restart the site (or delete the umbraco.config, tap the web.config). All is fine again now!


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