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Xslt Extensions Ontranet.Library

Get some useful xslt extensions for your umbraco project.
These are some xslt extenstions i use freguently myself and would like to share with others.

Included in this version is the following extensions. Xslt examples are included in the VS project.

- Cryptography: Encrypt, decrypt text strings in xslt
- Filelist: List files by specifying mimetype and directory
- Geocode: Geocode an address into latitude and longitude by specifying the address and your google api key.
- Hostname: Get the host name of the current page in xslt (www.yourdomain.com)
- Languageid: Get the languageid of the current page in xslt (en-US)
- Sql: Get records from database by specifying a select statement.

No current release

Package owner

Peter Cort Larsen

Peter Cort Larsen

Peter has 1038 karma points

Package Information

  • Package owner: Peter Cort Larsen
  • Created: 01/10/2010
  • Current version 1
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 0

External resources