First of all, very nice work on this package. It' s really nice to see people create these kinds of rich functionality as open source.
I am currently trying to integrate the blog functionality in my own site.
Because I understand that the blog is more standard MVC there are some limitations in this respect:
To make the blog fit in my existing structure, I placed the root blog node under my Home page (so not the true content root). This is causing issues if you have Hostnames defined. I think because ArticulateRoutes.cs uses (node.Url.EnsureEndsWith('/') + "a-new/{id}").TrimStart('/'), and .Url will include the defined hostname. Using Node.UrlName could fix this but I am not experienced enough to judge if this could have other side effects.
After moving the blog root I started creating a Theme using the contents of my normal master pages. This works nicely mostly, except that there is some obvious duplication of layout. But not really an issue.
I then copied over the contents of the Razor macros I use for e.g. navigation rendering and here the real purpose of my post comes along:
My site relies on restricted pages. In my Nav Macro I use @Umbraco.MemberHasAccess(). This helper is of course not directly available in IMasterModel.
I solved this in a hacky way by adding a private field to MasterModel.cs and passing this a new UmbracoHelper upon construction.
The UmbracoHelper is then exposed with an added public property Umbraco after which I can call @Model.Umbraco.MemberHasAccess() from my blog them.
Also, all references to CurrentPage can easily be replaced by (IPublishedContent)Model.
This all seems to work but I am not quite sure this is the best way to do it. I also had to make my model reference MasterModel instead of IMasterModel because I didn't want to put my addition in the interface.
However, if it were, would you consider adding this to the Articulate source to make the options for integration in existing projects/site somewhat more flexible or are there fundamental objections to doing such a thing?
Your expert thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated :)
In your views you'll see something like this (i.e. this is for the Posts view):
@model Articulate.Models.PostModel
This means that your view is a standard MVC view with nothing really that cool going on. However, if you make your view inherit from the Umbraco base view with this model, you should then have instant access to all the normal Umbraco things that you use (apart from dynamics like 'currentpage'):
So change:
@model Articulate.Models.PostModel
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage
And just an FYI, this syntax:
@model Articulate.Models.PostModel
is actually just syntactical sugar and gets compiled to this:
@inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage
Regarding your hostname issue, can you please create an issue on GitHub for this?
It was only after this post that I actually noticed that the categories view @inherits UmbracoViewPage<Articulate.Models.IMasterModel>. Whereas most others seem to just inherit their respective models...
So likely if UmbracoViewPage is used, I will get the flexibility I want for plugging it into my site, right? Should have actually thought of that before, I did the same when plugging Warrens Standard Membership project into my site.
I have put an issue on GH for the hostnames stuff.
I've got a similar issue to this, I am trying to get the master.cshtml page to link to my sites master page (Layout = "~/views/Main.cshtml") so I don't need to duplicate the sites structure.
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'Umbraco.Web.Models.RenderModel', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Articulate.Models.IMasterModel'.
This all depends on if you need a strongly typed master page.
First, the generic version of UmbracoTemplatePage only accepts a type of IPublishedContent and class reference, IMasterModel is neither of these so you will definitely get errors trying that. Since all of the models that Articulate uses are instances of IPublishedContent, you can just try:
Of course if you are using the articulate helper methods in your master page you'd still need a reference to IMasterModel, since you know that all Articulate models are this type, you'd have to cast
var articulateMasterModel = Model as IMasterModel;
if (articulateMasterModel == null)
//couldn't convert, throw exception?
You can always use dynamic too which will work in all cases:
@model dynamic
But then you'll probably have to cast this internally in your view too - depending on the child view you are rendering.
All of this is really up to how you are structuring your views and what your master view is doing, there's no single correct answer and various ways to structure your view hierarchies.
For tags.cshtml I had to change the source code in TagListModel.cs as the class TagListModel was implementing iMasterModel rather than inheriting MasterModel like the other models. I don't know if this was done this way for a reason, but everything is working fine at the moment. I will add an issue to GitHub with the details in for you.
It might be good to know that you can also change the models that Articulate returns to the view. In the Umbraco 7.1.5 nightlies there is an event you can use for this:
This post seems to reference exactly what I am trying to do. I have researched this a lot and tried a lot of ways without luck.
I have an Umbraco site with typical templates and doc types.
/Views/Master.cshtml wraps all templates of my entire site.
In Articulate theme (/App_Plugins/Articulate/Themes/) I copied an existing theme to my own to use as a base - generically called 'MyTheme'.
I am trying to wrap /AppPlugins/Articulate/Themes/MyTheme/List.cshtml and /AppPlugins/Articulate/Themes/MyTheme/Post.cshtml with my /Views/Master.cshtml used for the entire site.
On List.cshtml I have tried a number of things, but based on this post I currently have...
You are doing the opposite of what is required. In ASP.NET MVC, the model that is rendering the page (regardless of the layout) must match the model that the page (not layout) is using.
Layouts are special, they will always be given the model of the current page that is rendering. So, if your layout isn't compatible with the model that is rendering then you need to re-think some things.
The change you made above is incorrect, you cannot change the model of List.cshtml because that page requires a specific model: Articulate.Models.ListModel
This model Articulate.Models.ListModel implements IPublishedContent, therefore, your layout could have a model like: @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage< IPublishedContent > which would be compatible with Articulate.Models.ListModel
When I was trying to set this up myself, I found an article that gave a step-by step to do this, it covers most of the above and was pretty easy to follow:
I've been trying to do the same thing as other posters here. My blog root is a few levels deep with 2 inherited layouts and a lot of Umbraco methods/properties being used in both, which is causing complications when applying the @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<IPublishedContent> in the ancestor layout templates.
I reassigned CurrentPage with (IPublishedContent)Model as Kris suggested, but I'm running into several limitations:
1) queryable list "does not contain a definition for 'Add'"
2) no access to the properties via Node.Property
I'm sure there are more errors in the template, but I can't even get past the first few lines, so maybe just fixing these will apply to the rest. Hoping I'm just missing a simple reference call/cast and don't have to reprogram the entire template just to satisfy the needs of the Articulate blog.
Here's an example where the last two lines give me errors (FYI this all works fine when the normal UmbracoTemplatePage inheritance is called):
var CurrentPage = (IPublishedContent)Model;
var homepage = CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(2);
var subpages = homepage.Children().Where("Visible");
var jhppages = subpages;
[above line does not contain definition for "Add"]
var homeclass = homepage.umbracoUrlName;
[above line 'Umbraco.Core.Models.IPublishedContent' does not contain a definition for 'umbracoUrlName']
Next-Morning-Thought Edit: I understand I'm losing access to DynamicPublishedContent by having to use the Strongly Typed inheritance, which is probably why the Node.Property syntax isn't working, but there's way too much code to go through and have to convert all that. I can't even find any documentation to convert the .Add() method to Strongly Typed.
I'm not too versed in the nature between Dynamic and Strongly Typed (always used the former), so it's difficult to know the steps to take. Is there a simple way to revive the dynamic nature of the node objects so I can continue to utilize the DynamicPublishedContent features? That way I could leave most of my code untouched. Or is there simply no way around being forced to use Strongly Typed in order to use the Articulate blog within an existing template?
First of all, thanks for the really cool plugin, even though i have some problems with getting everything to work the way i want it seems really well thought out and feature rich :)
But I too am fighting with integrating Articulate into an existing site with an existing layout.
After much reading Online what i managed so far is having a List.chstml which display me a list of Blogposts
But what i am totally unable to do, no matter what i try is to get the image of the current post.
I had a look at how the other themes do it
@if (!Model.PostImageUrl.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
var cropUrl = Model.GetCropUrl("postImage", "blogPost");
if (!cropUrl.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
<img class="postImage" alt="@Model.Name" src="@cropUrl" />
But i can't get this to work for me at all.
It always complains that "PostModel does not contain a definition for GetCropUrl" . I assume this should be very simple to solve but since i am very new to Umbraco and ASP.Net in general i am totally at loss here.
I have tried to read into general documentation to get a better grasp of what exactly i am doing wrong but i would really appreciate a quick pointer.
GetCropUrl should not be used this way, the way you are trying to use it is Obsolete. GetCropUrl returns a URL and as such it is a method on the UrlProvider so please use that instead: Url.GetCropUrl(Model, "postImage", "blogPost")
This standard MVC stuff, you are passing in the wrong model to your partial view and it seems you are trying to reference a type in the wrong namespace.
The Macro partial that interacts with the blog posts looks like this:
@using Articulate
@using Articulate.Models
@using System.Linq
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
// Probably a bit inelegant but never bothered to improve this...
var newsroot = Umbraco.TypedContentAtRoot()
var blogArchive = newsroot.Children.First();
var categories = Umbraco.TagQuery
.Select(x => x.Text)
.OrderBy(x => x);
var categoriesUrl = newsroot.GetPropertyValue<string>("categoriesUrlName");
// You might want to e.g. group posts by categories
@foreach (string c in categories)
var entries = blogArchive.Children
//This ensures the latest is first
.OrderByDescending(x => x.UpdateDate)
//Get all latest items that has been tagged with a category of "Test" (case insensitive)
// categories are stored as CSV so we split
.Where(x => x.GetPropertyValue<string>("categories") != null && x.GetPropertyValue<string>("categories").Split(',').InvariantContains(c))
// A link to the category
<h3><a href="@(newsroot.Url + "/" + categoriesUrl + "/" + c)">@c</a></h3>
@foreach (var p in entries)
// It is possible to get crops of post images. Up to you to check that there is an image...
var thumbnail = p.GetCropUrl("postImage", "frontPage");
<p>@(Umbraco.Truncate(p.GetPropertyValue<string>("excerpt"), 75))</p>
Note that I only kept the relevant parts, showing what can be achieved.
Based on the comments, there were some obvious inefficiencies in the code above which I address below.
@using Articulate
@using Articulate.Models
@using System.Linq
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
// EDIT: This node id is unlikely to ever change so hardcoding it should be OK.
var newsroot = Umbraco.TypedContent(XXXX);
var blogArchive = newsroot.Children.First();
var categories = Umbraco.TagQuery
.Select(x => x.Text)
.OrderBy(x => x);
var categoriesUrl = newsroot.GetPropertyValue<string>("categoriesUrlName");
// EDIT: Get the Children here once instead of repeatedly
var entries = blogArchive.Children();
// You might want to e.g. group posts by categories
@foreach (string c in categories)
var filteredEntries = entries
// EDIT: Splitting the property value is not needed ...
.Where(x => x.GetPropertyValue<string>("categories") != null && x.GetPropertyValue<string>("categories").InvariantContains(c))
//EDIT: Only order after selecting for the categories, less to order that way
.OrderByDescending(x => x.UpdateDate)
// A link to the category
<h3><a href="@(newsroot.Url + "/" + categoriesUrl + "/" + c)">@c</a></h3>
//EDIT: only use the category filtered entries
@foreach (var p in filteredEntries)
// It is possible to get crops of post images. Up to you to check that there is an image...
var thumbnail = p.GetCropUrl("postImage", "frontPage");
<p>@(Umbraco.Truncate(p.GetPropertyValue<string>("excerpt"), 75))</p>
'XXXX' obviously needs to be replaced by the specific node ID of your articulate blog.
All the other errors are most likely also related to the fact that I omitted all custom parts in the razor code to show only the important bits. If you copy things literally, the succession of pure html vs Razor code is probably getting mixed up. Everywhere where there are '...' there was actually some html (which was irrelevant to demonstrate the concepts used.
If you are a bit confused by this, perhaps first grab a good Razor tutorial from the web.
I see, thanks. If you want to get only one category, say "test" category, how would the code be manipulated? I am trying to just display the "test" category, but also, if there are no "test" categories, then display some generic html code (i.e. <p> No recent news</p>).
In my project, just like the Articulate project every page's route is hijacked through it's own controller which returns a master model, ViewModels.IMasterModel.
This ViewModels.IMasterModel master model contains all the properties I need to use at a global level across all the website's pages and is used as the model for my master base view:
My master base view then sets all the global properties, like meta data.
Articulate is exactly the same from what I can see. It has its own master model, Articulate.Models.IMasterModel which contains it's own properties and is used in the Articulate theme's Master view.
Both the my ViewModels.IMasterModel and Articulate.Models.IMasterModel inherit IPublishedContent.
Although Articulate does it on the Interface:
public interface IMasterModel : IPublishedContent
and my project does it on the class:
public class MasterModel<T> : ContentModel<T>, IMasterModel
where T : class, IPublishedContent
How can I sort of merge these two master models so that I can continue to use my ViewModels.IMasterModel in my master base view which has all the site's styling and inherit it from the Articulate theme's views?
@Html.RenderOpenSearch(Model) will display nothing so I have to use @Html.Partial("~/App_Plugins/Articulate/Themes/MySite/Views/Partials/SearchBox.cshtml", articulateModel)
I think it's getting confused now that the model is different.
Is there a way to explicitly call the Articulate helpers?
Articulate integration in existing site
First of all, very nice work on this package. It' s really nice to see people create these kinds of rich functionality as open source.
I am currently trying to integrate the blog functionality in my own site.
Because I understand that the blog is more standard MVC there are some limitations in this respect:
(node.Url.EnsureEndsWith('/') + "a-new/{id}").TrimStart('/'),
and .Url will include the defined hostname. Using Node.UrlName could fix this but I am not experienced enough to judge if this could have other side effects.My site relies on restricted pages. In my Nav Macro I use
. This helper is of course not directly available in IMasterModel.I solved this in a hacky way by adding a private field to MasterModel.cs and passing this a new UmbracoHelper upon construction.
The UmbracoHelper is then exposed with an added public property
after which I can call @Model.Umbraco.MemberHasAccess() from my blog them.Also, all references to CurrentPage can easily be replaced by (IPublishedContent)Model.
This all seems to work but I am not quite sure this is the best way to do it. I also had to make my model reference MasterModel instead of IMasterModel because I didn't want to put my addition in the interface.
However, if it were, would you consider adding this to the Articulate source to make the options for integration in existing projects/site somewhat more flexible or are there fundamental objections to doing such a thing?
Your expert thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated :)
In your views you'll see something like this (i.e. this is for the Posts view):
@model Articulate.Models.PostModel
This means that your view is a standard MVC view with nothing really that cool going on. However, if you make your view inherit from the Umbraco base view with this model, you should then have instant access to all the normal Umbraco things that you use (apart from dynamics like 'currentpage'):
So change: @model Articulate.Models.PostModel
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage
And just an FYI, this syntax:
@model Articulate.Models.PostModel
is actually just syntactical sugar and gets compiled to this:
@inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage
Regarding your hostname issue, can you please create an issue on GitHub for this?
Thanks for the update,
It was only after this post that I actually noticed that the categories view
@inherits UmbracoViewPage<Articulate.Models.IMasterModel>
. Whereas most others seem to just inherit their respective models...So likely if UmbracoViewPage is used, I will get the flexibility I want for plugging it into my site, right? Should have actually thought of that before, I did the same when plugging Warrens Standard Membership project into my site.
I have put an issue on GH for the hostnames stuff.
just noticed that my syntax didn't come through properly in my last post, here's what it was meant to look like:
And just an FYI, this syntax:
is actually just syntactical sugar and gets compiled to this:
I think when creating those views I was just making them based on what I required and for what I needed I didn't need the umbraco helpers, etc...
So yes, if you change the @model syntax to the @inherits syntax with
Where T is the correct model for that page, then you'll get all of the Umbraco bits.
I've got a similar issue to this, I am trying to get the master.cshtml page to link to my sites master page (Layout = "~/views/Main.cshtml") so I don't need to duplicate the sites structure.
I have tried
and I get the error
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'Umbraco.Web.Models.RenderModel', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Articulate.Models.IMasterModel'.
If I try
I get a compile error
Is thee a way to do this without duplicating my sites layout into master.cshtml ?
This all depends on if you need a strongly typed master page.
First, the generic version of UmbracoTemplatePage only accepts a type of IPublishedContent and class reference, IMasterModel is neither of these so you will definitely get errors trying that. Since all of the models that Articulate uses are instances of IPublishedContent, you can just try:
Of course if you are using the articulate helper methods in your master page you'd still need a reference to IMasterModel, since you know that all Articulate models are this type, you'd have to cast
You can always use dynamic too which will work in all cases:
But then you'll probably have to cast this internally in your view too - depending on the child view you are rendering.
All of this is really up to how you are structuring your views and what your master view is doing, there's no single correct answer and various ways to structure your view hierarchies.
Thanks, the only way I could get it working is with
in master.cshtml. List.cshtml and Post.cshtml work with the format:
For tags.cshtml I had to change the source code in TagListModel.cs as the class TagListModel was implementing iMasterModel rather than inheriting MasterModel like the other models. I don't know if this was done this way for a reason, but everything is working fine at the moment. I will add an issue to GitHub with the details in for you.
It might be good to know that you can also change the models that Articulate returns to the view. In the Umbraco 7.1.5 nightlies there is an event you can use for this:
An example for the event:
Hi Jeroen,
Interesting that you post this because I'm using your Hybrid Framework for Umbraco v7 architecture for my Umbraco 8 project.
Do you think this could be an answer to the problem I have posted below?
This post seems to reference exactly what I am trying to do. I have researched this a lot and tried a lot of ways without luck.
I have an Umbraco site with typical templates and doc types.
/Views/Master.cshtml wraps all templates of my entire site.
In Articulate theme (/App_Plugins/Articulate/Themes/) I copied an existing theme to my own to use as a base - generically called 'MyTheme'.
I am trying to wrap /AppPlugins/Articulate/Themes/MyTheme/List.cshtml and /AppPlugins/Articulate/Themes/MyTheme/Post.cshtml with my /Views/Master.cshtml used for the entire site.
On List.cshtml I have tried a number of things, but based on this post I currently have...
@using Articulate.Models
@using Umbraco.Core
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage< IPublishedContent >
@{ Layout = "/Views/Master.cshtml"; }
@if (!Model.Children.Any())
The error that I get is
Cannot bind source content type Articulate.Models.ListModel to model content type Umbraco.Web.PublishedContentModels.Master.
Any help is much appreciated.
Hi Andy,
You are doing the opposite of what is required. In ASP.NET MVC, the model that is rendering the page (regardless of the layout) must match the model that the page (not layout) is using.
Layouts are special, they will always be given the model of the current page that is rendering. So, if your layout isn't compatible with the model that is rendering then you need to re-think some things.
The change you made above is incorrect, you cannot change the model of
because that page requires a specific model:Articulate.Models.ListModel
This model
, therefore, your layout could have a model like:@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage< IPublishedContent >
which would be compatible withArticulate.Models.ListModel
Making more sense?
When I was trying to set this up myself, I found an article that gave a step-by step to do this, it covers most of the above and was pretty easy to follow:
I've been trying to do the same thing as other posters here. My blog root is a few levels deep with 2 inherited layouts and a lot of Umbraco methods/properties being used in both, which is causing complications when applying the
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<IPublishedContent>
in the ancestor layout templates.I reassigned
as Kris suggested, but I'm running into several limitations:1) queryable list "does not contain a definition for 'Add'"
2) no access to the properties via Node.Property
I'm sure there are more errors in the template, but I can't even get past the first few lines, so maybe just fixing these will apply to the rest. Hoping I'm just missing a simple reference call/cast and don't have to reprogram the entire template just to satisfy the needs of the Articulate blog.
Here's an example where the last two lines give me errors (FYI this all works fine when the normal UmbracoTemplatePage inheritance is called):
Next-Morning-Thought Edit: I understand I'm losing access to DynamicPublishedContent by having to use the Strongly Typed inheritance, which is probably why the Node.Property syntax isn't working, but there's way too much code to go through and have to convert all that. I can't even find any documentation to convert the .Add() method to Strongly Typed.
I'm not too versed in the nature between Dynamic and Strongly Typed (always used the former), so it's difficult to know the steps to take. Is there a simple way to revive the dynamic nature of the node objects so I can continue to utilize the DynamicPublishedContent features? That way I could leave most of my code untouched. Or is there simply no way around being forced to use Strongly Typed in order to use the Articulate blog within an existing template?
First of all, thanks for the really cool plugin, even though i have some problems with getting everything to work the way i want it seems really well thought out and feature rich :)
But I too am fighting with integrating Articulate into an existing site with an existing layout.
After much reading Online what i managed so far is having a List.chstml which display me a list of Blogposts
And a post.cshtml to display my posts
But what i am totally unable to do, no matter what i try is to get the image of the current post.
I had a look at how the other themes do it
But i can't get this to work for me at all.
It always complains that "PostModel does not contain a definition for GetCropUrl" . I assume this should be very simple to solve but since i am very new to Umbraco and ASP.Net in general i am totally at loss here.
I have tried to read into general documentation to get a better grasp of what exactly i am doing wrong but i would really appreciate a quick pointer.
should not be used this way, the way you are trying to use it is Obsolete.GetCropUrl
returns a URL and as such it is a method on the UrlProvider so please use that instead:Url.GetCropUrl(Model, "postImage", "blogPost")
Has anyone figured this out? I just want to include a list of recent blog posts in my homepage...
Homepage starts off with the following:
My partial view is named Latest.cshtml and is located in App_Plugins/Articulate/Themese/MyTheme/Views/Partials directory. The partial view includes:
I just want to call this view in my homepage...via @Html.ThemedPartial(Model, "Latest"), or @Html.Partial("Latest")...
Any help would be really appreciated :)
Why is your home page
So what model type is it actually going to be??
Your partial view expects a model of type
because that is how you've declared it:UmbracoViewPage<Articulate.Models.IMasterModel>
You haven't really explained the problem you are having, but I'll cross post the error you are getting from here:
This standard MVC stuff, you are passing in the wrong model to your partial view and it seems you are trying to reference a type in the wrong namespace.
Sorry, my Homepage is:
Just to chime in...
I frequently integrate Articulate blogs in my site now and find it relatively easy to get e.g. 'recent posts' on the home page.
There is a Master template:
My home page will look like this:
The Macro partial that interacts with the blog posts looks like this:
Note that I only kept the relevant parts, showing what can be achieved.
Might not be the prettiest but it works
Based on the comments, there were some obvious inefficiencies in the code above which I address below.
Is there more that can be done?
No Problem, let us know if you can get it to work...
Also if the Shannon Deminick's of this forum have some feedback, feel free to post it. I have an inkling my code is not the most efficient :)
It will end up performing quite poorly if you get lots of blog posts on there, here's an important doc to understand querying and perf implications
Hi Shannon,
I can see how my code will indeed be slow when there are lots of nodes. Re-arranging some of the calls might already help, as shown in the edits.
Some other questions pop up when considering performance improvements. Would it be faster to:
and filter them for their category later on in a loop (as I am doing now)Umbraco.TagQuery.GetContentByTagGroup("ArticulateCategories");
once and next filter these for the specific category later on in a loop.Umbraco.TagQuery.GetContentByTag(tag, "ArticulateCategories");
in a loop.I suspect option 1 would be the best: I already need one TagQuery call to get the list of Articulate specific tags:
This ultimately results in a DB call.
If I would later on also get nodes using one of the TagQuery options (2 or 3), that would result in more DB calls.
This whereas getting the Children for the blog archive and filtering them based on their categories property would not... Or am I wrong?
So many questions ... :)
Hi Kris,
I'm getting all types of errors with the edit.
'The name XXXX does not exist in the current context.'
'Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'string''
'"foreach" keyword after "@" character. Once inside code, you do not need to prefix constructs like "foreach" with "@".'
Hi Bobi,
You cannot just copy the code literally.
'XXXX' obviously needs to be replaced by the specific node ID of your articulate blog.
All the other errors are most likely also related to the fact that I omitted all custom parts in the razor code to show only the important bits. If you copy things literally, the succession of pure html vs Razor code is probably getting mixed up. Everywhere where there are '...' there was actually some html (which was irrelevant to demonstrate the concepts used.
If you are a bit confused by this, perhaps first grab a good Razor tutorial from the web.
I see, thanks. If you want to get only one category, say "test" category, how would the code be manipulated? I am trying to just display the "test" category, but also, if there are no "test" categories, then display some generic html code (i.e.
<p> No recent news</p>
).Ok, I have played around with everything, and seem to have it working.
Perhaps there are some inefficiencies in the code, but nevertheless:
Here, I am trying to find all Categories named "Test" and display them. If they are no categories, then "No recent News" is displayed.
I have complex permutation that I don't think has been covered here yet.
My Umbraco v8 project is an upgraded/hacked version of Jeroen Breuer's Hybrid Framework for Umbraco v7 project.
In my project, just like the Articulate project every page's route is hijacked through it's own controller which returns a master model, ViewModels.IMasterModel.
This ViewModels.IMasterModel master model contains all the properties I need to use at a global level across all the website's pages and is used as the model for my master base view:
My master base view then sets all the global properties, like meta data.
Articulate is exactly the same from what I can see. It has its own master model, Articulate.Models.IMasterModel which contains it's own properties and is used in the Articulate theme's Master view.
Both the my ViewModels.IMasterModel and Articulate.Models.IMasterModel inherit IPublishedContent.
Although Articulate does it on the Interface:
and my project does it on the class:
How can I sort of merge these two master models so that I can continue to use my ViewModels.IMasterModel in my master base view which has all the site's styling and inherit it from the Articulate theme's views?
I got it working thanks to this post.
Now that I have managed to integrate the views with my own by changing the model I'm finding that some of the Html helper methods are not working.
will error so I have to use
will display nothing so I have to use@Html.Partial("~/App_Plugins/Articulate/Themes/MySite/Views/Partials/SearchBox.cshtml", articulateModel)
I think it's getting confused now that the model is different.
Is there a way to explicitly call the Articulate helpers?
is working on a reply...
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