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The following url does not work http://domainname/blog/categories/asp-net/rss http://domainname/blog/categories/-net%20features/rss
however http://domainname/blog/categories/aspnet/rss does
I believe the issue is related to odd characters in the path to rss route.
Is there an easy fix/work around for this?
Be sure you are using the latest version of Articulate, I think I've fixed something along these lines already:
If you can still replicate please open another issue on the github tracker.
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Issue with path to rss feed
The following url does not work http://domainname/blog/categories/asp-net/rss http://domainname/blog/categories/-net%20features/rss
however http://domainname/blog/categories/aspnet/rss does
I believe the issue is related to odd characters in the path to rss route.
Is there an easy fix/work around for this?
Be sure you are using the latest version of Articulate, I think I've fixed something along these lines already:
If you can still replicate please open another issue on the github tracker.
is working on a reply...