2 votes

SEO Starter Kit

Umbraco extension to quickly create SEO friendly websites. The package includes a partial document type to add SEO elements to existing or new documents. It also comes with some child actions in order to render the SEO elements to site layout. 

Documentation here: https://marceldigital.github.io/

Available Via NuGet:
Install-Package MarcelDigital.UmbracoExtensions.SEO

If installing through the backoffice, remember to include the extensions helpers on your view with a using statement '@using MarcelDigital.UmbracoExtensions.SEO.Extensions' or adding the namespace to the views folder web.config. Otherwise, the NuGet install will handle the web config transform for you.

Additional Resources:



Package owner

Marcel Digital

Marcel Digital

Marcel has 81 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Marcel Digital
  • Created: 31/10/2016
  • Current version 1.0.0
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 1.3K

External resources