Here is the config file tinyMceConfig.config.... can you suggest what can I add/edit in the file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!-- Any changes to this file requires the application (umbraco) to restart --> <!-- This can be done by touching the web.config or recycling the application pool --> <tinymceConfig> <commands> <command> <umbracoAlias>code</umbracoAlias> <icon>images/editor/code.gif</icon> <tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="code">code</tinyMceCommand> <priority>1</priority> </command> <command> <umbracoAlias>removeformat</umbracoAlias> <icon>images/editor/removeformat.gif</icon> <tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="removeformat">removeformat</tinyMceCommand> <priority>2</priority> </command>
<!-- this area is for custom config settings that should be added during TinyMCE initialization --> <customConfig> <!-- <config key="myKey">mySetting</config>--> <config key="entity_encoding">raw</config> <config key="spellchecker_rpc_url">GoogleSpellChecker.ashx</config> </customConfig> </tinymceConfig>
embedding video
When I try to embed video in post, it appears preview bur when I click insert it disapears from editor.
also, when I select type... say quicktime or shockwave... it shows missing plugin msg. When I try to install it does not install anything.
I'm not sure what you're trying to implement
uBlogsy is just a bunch of razor scripts that output what is stored in Umbraco.
Do you have screen shots or a screenr vid to demo the issue?
actually I meant that not able to embed video through comtent editor
That may be a tiny mce issue.
Check your tiny mce config file under /config.
Ensure that allowed elements contains the tag that you're trying to insert.
I think that's all you need to do. I've never tried to embed video into the editor before.
Here is the config file tinyMceConfig.config.... can you suggest what can I add/edit in the file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Any changes to this file requires the application (umbraco) to restart -->
<!-- This can be done by touching the web.config or recycling the application pool -->
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="code">code</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="removeformat">removeformat</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="undo">undo</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="redo">redo</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="cut">cut</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="copy">copy</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="pasteword">pasteword</tinyMceCommand>
<command isStyle="true">
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="umbracocss">umbracocss</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="bold">bold</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="italic">italic</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="underline">underline</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="strikethrough">strikethrough</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="justifyleft">justifyleft</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="justifycenter">justifycenter</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="justifyright">justifyright</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="justifyfull">justifyfull</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="bullist">bullist</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="numlist">numlist</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="outdent">outdent</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="indent">indent</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="link">link</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="unlink">unlink</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="anchor">anchor</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="image">image</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="mceUmbracomacro">umbracomacro</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="table">table</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="media">media</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="hr">hr</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="sub">sub</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="sup">sup</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="charmap">charmap</tinyMceCommand>
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="mceSpellCheck">spellchecker</tinyMceCommand>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="true">paste</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="true">inlinepopups</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="true">noneditable</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="true">table</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">umbracomacro</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">umbracoimg</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">advlink</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">umbracocss</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">media</plugin>
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">spellchecker</plugin>
<!-- this area is for custom config settings that should be added during TinyMCE initialization -->
<!-- <config key="myKey">mySetting</config>-->
<config key="entity_encoding">raw</config>
<config key="spellchecker_rpc_url">GoogleSpellChecker.ashx</config>
Under validElements I think all you need to do is ensure that the markup you're trying to embed is mentioned there.
but embed[type|width|height|src|*], is already there under ValidElements. What else can be done?
I'm out of ideas.
Perhaps tiny mce is missing a media plugin. I'm not sure though.
I think google and #umbraco on twitter may be your best friend for this...
If you find a solution, definitely update this thread. I'm sure a few people have had similar issues.
As a work around though, you could create a macro which can be inserted into the RTE.
Here is how to do it...
Create a razor script with a macro... call it RenderVideo
Then in the razor script you just need to have this:
Make sure the macro has "show in editor" selected
Give it a parameter which is a multiline text box. Call the parameter EmbedCode. Also make sure the "show" checkbox is selected
When you insert your macro into the RTE you just need to paste your embed code there.
I just didn't understand RTE... can you explain? Rest all got it.
RTE = rich text editor
You can insert macros there.
ok.. I tried to insert macro but it shows following in RTE.
[tidy error]
Is the razor script without errors?
Try deleting everything in it to see if that works.
yes... as it has only following code
Are you using IE by any chance?[tidy-error]?p=1
I've found that any time I have some sort of error, I need to try at least 2 other browsers to rule out browser compatability.
No .. I use Firefox.
It sounds like a Tiny mce issue.
I think google is your best friend for this.
yes.. we tried other alternatives... but not able to solve the problem.. so finally going for version umbraco... in that this is not an issue.
is working on a reply...