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  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Apr 21, 2014 @ 18:19
    Steve Brown

    upgrade umbraco 6.1.6 to 6.2 problems

    I upgraded my site to the 6.2 RC and am having some issues with ublogsy 3.0.2 (it had worked more or less fine with 6.1.6)

    A few partial views are not rendering. i.e. ublogsyglobalseometa.cshtml, ublogsywidgetlistlabels.cshtml, and maybe some others


  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Apr 21, 2014 @ 18:42
    Steve Brown

    Further info: i think it any partial view that's using IPublishedContentHelper isn't working. I was able to comment those lines from ublogsyglobalseometa.cshtml, for example, and it worked again. Obviously it's not fetching the metadata anymore, but at least I don't have an error at the top of my page now where the meta data is supposed to be.

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Apr 23, 2014 @ 14:43
    Steve Brown

    So that's an issue in your uHelpsy library, I think. Some kind of change in umbraco 6.2 causes the partial view to not load with that uHelpsy object

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Apr 29, 2014 @ 19:27
    Steve Brown

    Anthony, could you see this Umbraco issue I opened, please?

    I think there was a breaking change in Umbraco 6.2 that affects uHelpsy/uBlogsy, but it appears the fix is to rebuild uBlogsy against umbraco 6.2

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Apr 30, 2014 @ 14:34
    Steve Brown

    They just updated that issue. It appears a rebuild is not actually needed

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    May 05, 2014 @ 12:17
    Biagio Paruolo

    Hi, Steve, 

    Do work your site after upgrade?

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    May 22, 2014 @ 20:49
    Steve Brown

    No, uBlogsy is not working after the upgrade to 6.2

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    May 22, 2014 @ 22:15
    Biagio Paruolo


  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    May 28, 2014 @ 14:47
    Biagio Paruolo

    I confirm that  UBlogsy don't work with 6.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
       uHelpsy.Extensions.IPublishedContentExtensions.GetValueFirstOf(IPublishedContent d, String[] aliases) in d:\_PROJECTS\Personal\uHelpsy - Library\uHelpsy\Source\uHelpsy.Web\Extensions\IPublishedContentExtensions.cs:22
  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 22:05
    Steve Brown

    Per the Umbraco team, uBlogsy is not performing some null checking, and throwing the errors we're observing. 

    There's some more info on the Umbraco issue I had linked above:

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 23:52
    Biagio Paruolo

    Hi, Steve

    but I think that the Umbraco team is not envolved into Ublogsy if the problem is into UBlogsy.

    Have you some suggestions?

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Jun 04, 2014 @ 14:40
    Steve Brown

    Yes that's correct, I was just pointing out an issue that they identified. If I understand correctly, the issue is that in some functions like the one you identified in the NullReferenceException above, is that uBlogsy is not checking for null values of type IPublishedContent being passed.

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    Jun 05, 2014 @ 10:36
    Biagio Paruolo

    So, I'm available to push UBlogsy sources on GitHub and collaborate with you and others to solve the bugs and develop Ublogsy. But I read the Dag post that we can contact him on Twitter to help

  • Hannes 28 posts 189 karma points
    Jun 11, 2014 @ 21:28

    I just had the same issue. Actually overall uBlogsy is working well for me using Umbraco 6.2.1 until this morning. All of a suddon I got a bunch of System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. errors this morning. I did some research and was close to rewriting uHelpsy.Helper and uHelpsy.Singletons BUT I thought I would try to recycle the application pool on my IIS (7.0) and voila, everything worked again. I can see in my log file that the threads had gone up to 92. After the recycle it went back to thread 1 of course and things are fine for now. I know this doesn't solve anything but I thought I would share my issues and quick fix.

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Jun 12, 2014 @ 15:11
    Steve Brown

    Hannes, just curious if you are using the webforms or MVC version of uBlogsy? I'm using webforms version, and overall it's still pretty broken on 6.2.1 and I think I'm getting the same NullReferenceException errors. Recycling the application pool doesn't help on my end.

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Jun 12, 2014 @ 15:18
    Steve Brown

    Biagio, are you on webforms or MVC version of uBlogsy? I'm running uBlogsy webforms version 3.0.2, and Umbraco 6.2.1, so I just wanted to confirm what versions you're running, to see if we have the same environment and issue.

  • Hannes 28 posts 189 karma points
    Jun 12, 2014 @ 17:43

    Steve, I'm using the webforms version of uBlogsy. I installed for Umbraco 6.2.1. Mind you I had to make a few changes to make it work well for me. Some of those changes were:

    - rewrite uCommentsyShowLinkToComments.cshtml to use DynamicNodeContext instead of Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage

    - download and setup custom "codebehind" for comment form, needed to remove website field and subscriber field

    - add two fields to the uCommentsySubscriber Member Type: uCommentsyMemberName, uCommentsyMemberCommentUrlName, needed to enable multiple commenting

    - change ControlToValidate name for message RequiredFieldValidator to unique field for comment form

    - add try catch routines to uBlogsy_months, uBlogsyPostListLabels, uBlogsyPostListTags "post" views to to avoid erros if none are linked

    - adapt jquery code to always toggle blog post archive

    I also removed the uBlogsyWidgetListBlogRoll macro from the _uBlogsyBaseBlog.master.

    When you look at the log file, what do the errors stay that you are gettings?

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    Jun 13, 2014 @ 22:32
    Biagio Paruolo

    Hi, Steve I use MVC.

  • Carrie 20 posts 42 karma points
    Jun 19, 2014 @ 20:49

    We're also getting errors. Are these related? (do you need any other information?)

    Using umbraco 6.2.1 and ublogsy Webforms

    Error Loading Razor Script (file: ) Object reference not set to an instance of an object.    at uBlogsy.BusinessLogic.PostService.GetIdsFromCsvProperty(IPublishedContent node, String propertyAlias, Boolean getAll, Boolean distinct) in d:\_PROJECTS\Personal\uBlogsy\uBlogsy MVC\Source\uBlogsy.BusinessLogic\PostService.cs:line 416
      at uBlogsy.BusinessLogic.PostService.GetAuthors(IPublishedContent node, Boolean getAll) in d:\_PROJECTS\Personal\uBlogsy\uBlogsy MVC\Source\uBlogsy.BusinessLogic\PostService.cs:line 315
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Post_uBlogsyPostListAuthors_cshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Post\uBlogsyPostListAuthors.cshtml:line 11
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.<>c__DisplayClass7.<RenderPageCore>b__6(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageExecutingBase.WriteTo(TextWriter writer, HelperResult content)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingShowPost_cshtml.<>c__DisplayClass1.<ShowPost>b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingShowPost.cshtml:line 48
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.Write(HelperResult result)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingShowPost_cshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingShowPost.cshtml:line 16
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.<>c__DisplayClass7.<RenderPageCore>b__6(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageExecutingBase.WriteTo(TextWriter writer, HelperResult content)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingListPosts_cshtml.<>c__DisplayClass1.<RenderForLanding>b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingListPosts.cshtml:line 51
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.Write(HelperResult result)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingListPosts_cshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingListPosts.cshtml:line 30
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.<>c__DisplayClass7.<RenderPageCore>b__6(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.Write(HelperResult result)
      at ASP._Page_App_Data_TEMP_Razor_inline_84e433b4f74405664638af4c6c3709e0_razor.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\App_Data\TEMP\Razor\inline-84e433b4f74405664638af4c6c3709e0.razor:line 1
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at umbraco.MacroEngines.RazorMacroEngine.ExecuteRazor(MacroModel macro, INode currentPage)
      at umbraco.MacroEngines.RazorMacroEngine.Execute(MacroModel macro, INode currentPage)


    Error Loading Razor Script (file: ) Object reference not set to an instance of an object.    at uBlogsy.BusinessLogic.PostService.GetIdsFromCsvProperty(IPublishedContent node, String propertyAlias, Boolean getAll, Boolean distinct) in d:\_PROJECTS\Personal\uBlogsy\uBlogsy MVC\Source\uBlogsy.BusinessLogic\PostService.cs:line 416
      at uBlogsy.BusinessLogic.PostService.GetTags(IPublishedContent node, Boolean getAll) in d:\_PROJECTS\Personal\uBlogsy\uBlogsy MVC\Source\uBlogsy.BusinessLogic\PostService.cs:line 338
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Post_uBlogsyPostListTags_cshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Post\uBlogsyPostListTags.cshtml:line 9
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.<>c__DisplayClass7.<RenderPageCore>b__6(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageExecutingBase.WriteTo(TextWriter writer, HelperResult content)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingShowPost_cshtml.<>c__DisplayClass1.<ShowPost>b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingShowPost.cshtml:line 49
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.Write(HelperResult result)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingShowPost_cshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingShowPost.cshtml:line 16
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.<>c__DisplayClass7.<RenderPageCore>b__6(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageExecutingBase.WriteTo(TextWriter writer, HelperResult content)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingListPosts_cshtml.<>c__DisplayClass1.<RenderForLanding>b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingListPosts.cshtml:line 51
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.Write(HelperResult result)
      at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_uBlogsy_Landing_uBlogsyLandingListPosts_cshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\Views\Partials\uBlogsy\Landing\uBlogsyLandingListPosts.cshtml:line 30
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.<>c__DisplayClass7.<RenderPageCore>b__6(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult.WriteTo(TextWriter writer)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.Write(HelperResult result)
      at ASP._Page_App_Data_TEMP_Razor_inline_84e433b4f74405664638af4c6c3709e0_razor.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CALS.HomeCare.Site.CMS.v1.0\App_Data\TEMP\Razor\inline-84e433b4f74405664638af4c6c3709e0.razor:line 1
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy(IEnumerable`1 executors)
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
      at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
      at umbraco.MacroEngines.RazorMacroEngine.ExecuteRazor(MacroModel macro, INode currentPage)
      at umbraco.MacroEngines.RazorMacroEngine.Execute(MacroModel macro, INode currentPage)

  • Carrie 20 posts 42 karma points
    Jul 09, 2014 @ 21:55

    Has anyone found a solution for this? 

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    Aug 03, 2014 @ 17:14
    Biagio Paruolo

    Hi, Steve

    Have you solved your problems?

    Have you tried if "publish at" work now with UBlogsy MVC + U6.2.1?

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Aug 04, 2014 @ 14:53
    Steve Brown

    I just tried adding a date in the "publish at" field and still am getting an error on the script that renders the blog post. The error message where the post should be is "Error loading MacroEngine script (file: )"

    I've tried other suggestions in this post and other posts in this forum and haven't had any success.

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Aug 04, 2014 @ 15:00
    Steve Brown

    Biagio, I just noticed you said "mvc version" but I am still using the web forms version of uBlogsy. Have you found a solution?

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    Aug 26, 2014 @ 22:46
    Biagio Paruolo

    Sigh, noo....I'm blocked and my customer a bit not happy for this...I think that for the next, I'm not using UBlogsy anymore...

  • Steve Brown 125 posts 290 karma points
    Aug 27, 2014 @ 16:12
    Steve Brown

    Biagio, did you try replacing the dlls in the bin folder on your website with the dlls in the patch Anthony just released? It worked for me.

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    Aug 27, 2014 @ 16:24
    Biagio Paruolo

    It's for MVC, too? I read only for Webform or I misread. ???

  • Biagio Paruolo 1621 posts 1914 karma points c-trib
    Sep 18, 2014 @ 15:42
    Biagio Paruolo


    I tried...I upgrade from 6.1.6 - 6.2.2 and upload Patch for .... and the site works now! Now I made some other checks....THX!!!!!!!!!!

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