If all you want is for the entire post body to be rendered then go to the general settings tab in the landing node. There is is an option to "Use summary".
I need to show Addthis social links on landing page but the issue that I am facing is that when someone tries to like a post, It increases the number of count for each of the posts at that page(Infact its not liking the post but the page). How can I overcome this issue. Please suggest. Thanks
body content on landing page
by default uBlogsy shows summery on landing page. But is it possible that instead, it shows post content on landing page.
If yes, then please guide further.
You can do anything you like with it
It only shows the summary if the summary exists.
Check out the uBlogsyShowPost and uBlogsyListPosts cshtml files
You'll see an if statement which says if the summary is not an empty string, then display it. Just change/delete that part
thank you for information.
But I wanted to ask that if summary is not there. then it will not show it. But then it should show the post content itself. So is that possible?
If the summary is not filled in then the first part of the body content is used.
You can change this to use the entire body content if you wish.
I saw the uBlogsyShowPost.cshtml file and found this function where content is displayed.
@helper RenderPostBody(DynamicNode d)
string useSummary = DataService.Instance.GetValueFromLanding(Model.Id, "uBlogsyGeneralUseSummary");
if (useSummary == "1"
&& Model.NodeTypeAlias == "uBlogsyLanding"
&& d.GetProperty("uBlogsyContentSummary").Value.Trim() != string.Empty
@Html.Raw(umbraco.library.RenderMacroContent(d.GetProperty("uBlogsyContentBody").Value, d.Id))
But I dont find where we have to change so that it shows entire body content?
Retract all that.
If all you want is for the entire post body to be rendered then go to the general settings tab in the landing node. There is is an option to "Use summary".
Deselect it.
ok. thats what I have done. I thought still something is to be done so asked.... thanks anyways.
Hi Anthony,
I need to show Addthis social links on landing page but the issue that I am facing is that when someone tries to like a post, It increases the number of count for each of the posts at that page(Infact its not liking the post but the page). How can I overcome this issue. Please suggest. Thanks
is working on a reply...