//Hole Tags, Kategorien, Authoren und Suchbegriffe var tag = Request.QueryString["tag"]; var category = Request.QueryString["category"]; var author = Request.QueryString["author"]; var searchTerm = Request.QueryString["search"]; List<DynamicNode> nodes = NodeHelper.GetPosts(tag, category, author, searchTerm, artikelListe.Items).Where(x=>x.NodeTypeAlias=="uBlogsyPost").OrderBy(x=>x.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostDate").Value).ToList(); int pageSize = 6; int page = 1; int totalNodes = nodes.Count(); int totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalNodes / (double)pageSize);
if ( page > totalPages) { page = totalPages; } else if ( page < 1){ page = 1; }
} @if(@Parameter.Small == "1") { foreach(dynamic n in nodes.Skip((page-1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize)) { var anleser = umbraco.library.StripHtml(n.uBlogsyContentBody.ToString()); var crop = @n.artikelBild.Find("@name","Archiv Post").url;
Trying to create Pagination
Okay i've got it to the point where it's counting and so on but if i click the Link site stays blank:
Here's the code for now:
is working on a reply...