1 vote


Allows automatic imageoptimaztion with Imageprocessor.
The plugin will "optimize" by adding default variables to imageprocessor.web querystring

This package includes ImageProcessor.Plugins.WebP 1.3 and requires ImageProcessor (>= 2.8.0)




<!-- Disables the plugin -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:Disabled" value="false" />

<!-- Enabled automatic webp plugin -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:WebP" value="true" />

<!-- Ignores extensions and paths - Example: "app_plugins, .gif" will ignore app_plugins folder and .gif -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:Ignore" value=""/>

<!-- Sets default quality -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:Quality" value="0" />

<!-- Set maxwidth for all none cropped images -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:MaxWidth" value="0" />

<!-- Set maxheight for all none cropped images  -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:MaxHeight" value="0" />

<!-- Caches all requests for 5 minutes, 0 will disable cache -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:CacheTimeout" value="300" />

<!-- Reverts default logic, and will not "optimize" unless "optimize=true" is set in the querystring -->
<add key="Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze:Automatic" value="false" />


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version 0.1.1

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 8.1.0-8.18.15

Install-Package Our.Umbraco.AutoImageOptimze

Package owner

Dennis Öhman

Dennis Öhman

Dennis has 177 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Dennis Öhman
  • Created: 16/05/2020
  • Current version 0.1.1
  • .NET version 4.7.2
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 391
  • Downloads on NuGet: 1.1K
  • Total downloads : 1.5K