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I want to display my custom property "date" which is on my File media item.
But this property is not populated on my media "Files" so I need to check if "result" has the "date" property.
I've tried the following without success:
@if (result.HasValue.GetPropertyValue<string>(("date")){ @(result.GetPropertyValue<DateTime>("date").ToString("dd MMM yyyy")), }
Can anyone help me out, I'm very new to razor.
Cheers, JV
Try this:
@if (result.HasValue("date"){ @(result.GetPropertyValue<DateTime>("date").ToString("dd MMM yyyy")), }
Hi Jeroen,
Unfortunately that didn't work, I tried the following combinations without success:
@if (result.HasValue("date")){ @(result.GetPropertyValue<DateTime>("date").ToString("dd MMM yyyy")), } @if (result.HasValue<DateTime>("date")){ @(result.GetPropertyValue<DateTime>("date").ToString("dd MMM yyyy")), }
Can you please display your complete Razor file. Maybe you're missing a namespace or something.
@using System.Globalization @using System.Text @using System.Text.RegularExpressions @using Umbraco.Core.Logging @using Umbraco.Web.Models @inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage @{ int parsedInt; // Parse querystring / macro parameter var model = new SearchViewModel { SearchTerm = CleanseSearchTerm(("" + Request["q"]).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), CurrentPage = int.TryParse(Request["p"], out parsedInt) ? parsedInt : 1, PageSize = GetMacroParam(Model, "pageSize", s => int.Parse(s), 10), RootContentNodeId = GetMacroParam(Model, "rootContentNodeId", s => int.Parse(s), -1), RootMediaNodeId = GetMacroParam(Model, "rootMediaNodeId", s => int.Parse(s), -1), IndexType = GetMacroParam(Model, "indexType", s => s.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ""), SearchFields = GetMacroParam(Model, "searchFields", s => SplitToList(s), new List<string> { "nodeName", "metaTitle", "metaDescription", "metaKeywords", "bodyText" }), PreviewFields = GetMacroParam(Model, "previewFields", s => SplitToList(s), new List<string> { "bodyText" }), PreviewLength = GetMacroParam(Model, "previewLength", s => int.Parse(s), 250), HideFromSearchField = GetMacroParam(Model, "hideFromSearchField", "umbracoNaviHide"), SearchFormLocation = GetMacroParam(Model, "searchFormLocation", s => s.ToLower(), "bottom") }; // Validate values if (model.IndexType != UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content && model.IndexType != UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media) { model.IndexType = ""; } if (model.SearchFormLocation != "top" && model.SearchFormLocation != "bottom" && model.SearchFormLocation != "both" && model.SearchFormLocation != "none") { model.SearchFormLocation = "bottom"; } // ==================================================== // Comment the next if statement out if you want a root // node id of -1 to search content across all sites // and not just the current site. // ==================================================== if (model.RootContentNodeId <= 0) { model.RootContentNodeId = Model.Content.AncestorOrSelf(1).Id; } // If searching on umbracoFile, also search on umbracoFileName if (model.SearchFields.Contains("umbracoFile") && !model.SearchFields.Contains("umbracoFileName")) { model.SearchFields.Add("umbracoFileName"); } // Check the search term isn't empty if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchTerm)) { // Tokenize the search term model.SearchTerms = Tokenize(model.SearchTerm); // Perform the search var searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["ExternalSearcher"]; var criteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria(); var query = new StringBuilder(); query.AppendFormat("-{0}:1 ", model.HideFromSearchField); var contentPathFilter = model.RootContentNodeId > 0 ? string.Format("__IndexType:{0} +searchPath:{1} -template:0", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content, model.RootContentNodeId) : string.Format("__IndexType:{0} -template:0", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content); var mediaPathFilter = model.RootMediaNodeId > 0 ? string.Format("__IndexType:{0} +searchPath:{1}", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media, model.RootMediaNodeId) : string.Format("__IndexType:{0}", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media); switch (model.IndexType) { case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content: query.AppendFormat("+({0}) ", contentPathFilter); break; case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media: query.AppendFormat("+({0}) ", mediaPathFilter); break; default: query.AppendFormat("+(({0}) ({1})) ", contentPathFilter, mediaPathFilter); break; } // Ensure page contains all search terms in some way foreach (var term in model.SearchTerms) { var groupedOr = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var searchField in model.SearchFields) { groupedOr.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}* ", searchField, term); } query.Append("+(" + groupedOr.ToString() + ") "); query.Append("-__NodeTypeAlias:folder "); } // Rank content based on positon of search terms in fields for (var i = 0; i < model.SearchFields.Count; i++) { foreach (var term in model.SearchTerms) { query.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}*^{2} ", model.SearchFields[i], term, model.SearchFields.Count - i); } } var criteria2 = criteria.RawQuery(query.ToString()); var results = searcher.Search(criteria2) .Where(x => !Umbraco.IsProtected(int.Parse(x.Fields["id"]), x.Fields["path"]) || (Umbraco.IsProtected(int.Parse(x.Fields["id"]), x.Fields["path"]) && Umbraco.MemberHasAccess(int.Parse(x.Fields["id"]), x.Fields["path"]))) .ToList(); model.AllResults = results; model.TotalResults = results.Count; model.TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)model.TotalResults / model.PageSize); model.CurrentPage = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(model.TotalPages, model.CurrentPage)); // Page the results model.PagedResults = model.AllResults.Skip(model.PageSize * (model.CurrentPage - 1)).Take(model.PageSize); LogHelper.Debug<string>("[ezSearch] Searching Lucene with the following query: " + query.ToString()); if (!model.PagedResults.Any()) { // No results found, so render no results view if(model.SearchFormLocation != "none") { @RenderForm(model) } @RenderNoResults(model) } else { // Render out the results if (model.SearchFormLocation == "top" || model.SearchFormLocation == "both") { @RenderForm(model) } @RenderSummary(model) @RenderResultsRange(model) @RenderResults(model) if(model.TotalPages > 1) { @RenderPager(model) } if (model.SearchFormLocation == "bottom" || model.SearchFormLocation == "both") { @RenderForm(model) } } } else { // Empty search term so just render the form if(model.SearchFormLocation != "none") { @RenderForm(model) } } } @* ================================================== Render Functions ================================================== *@ @helper RenderForm(SearchViewModel model) { <form action="" method="GET" class="ezsearch-form"> <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Search", "Search"))" value="@(model.SearchTerm)" /> <input type="submit" value="@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Search", "Search"))" /> </form> } @helper RenderSummary(SearchViewModel model) { <div class="ezsearch-summary"> <p>@FormatHtml(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Summary", "Your search for <strong>\"{0}\"</strong> matched <strong>{1}</strong> page(s)."), model.SearchTerm, model.TotalResults)</p> </div> } @helper RenderResultsRange(SearchViewModel model) { var startRecord = ((model.CurrentPage - 1)*model.PageSize) + 1; var endRecord = Math.Min(model.TotalResults, (startRecord - 1) + model.PageSize); <div class="ezsearch-result-count"> <p>@FormatHtml(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Results Range", "Showing results <strong>{0}</strong> to <strong>{1}</strong>."), startRecord, endRecord)</p> </div> } @helper RenderResults(SearchViewModel model) { <div class="ezsearch-results"> @foreach (var result in model.PagedResults) { switch (result.Fields["__IndexType"]) { case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content: var contentItem = Umbraco.TypedContent(result.Fields["id"]); @RenderContentResult(model, contentItem) break; case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media: var mediaItem = Umbraco.TypedMedia(result.Fields["id"]); @RenderMediaResult(model, mediaItem) break; } } </div> } @helper RenderContentResult(SearchViewModel model, IPublishedContent result) { <div class="ezsearch-result"> <h2><a href="@result.Url" title="@result.Name">@result.Name</a></h2> @foreach (var field in model.PreviewFields.Where(field => result.HasValue(field))) { <p>@Highlight(Truncate(Umbraco.StripHtml(result.GetPropertyValue(field).ToString()), model.PreviewLength), model.SearchTerms)</p> break; } </div> } @helper RenderMediaResult(SearchViewModel model, IPublishedContent result) { var bytes = Convert.ToInt64(@result.GetPropertyValue<string>("umbracoBytes")); var x = ((Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(@bytes) / 1048576, 1)).ToString() + "MB"); var y = ((Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(@bytes) / 1024, 1)).ToString() + "KB"); var z = (bytes >= 1048576)? x:y; <div class="ezsearch-result"> <h2><a href="@(result.GetPropertyValue<string>("umbracoFile"))" class="@(result.GetPropertyValue<string>("umbracoExtension"))">@result.Name</a></h2> <p class="file-info"> @if (result.HasValue("date"){ @(result.GetPropertyValue<DateTime>("date").ToString("dd MMM yyyy")), } @z @(result.GetPropertyValue<string>("umbracoExtension"))</p> @foreach (var field in model.PreviewFields.Where(field => result.HasValue(field))) { <p>@Highlight(Truncate(Umbraco.StripHtml(result.GetPropertyValue(field).ToString()), model.PreviewLength), model.SearchTerms)</p> break; } </div> } @helper RenderPager(SearchViewModel model) { <div class="ezsearch-pager"> <p> @if (model.CurrentPage > 1) { <a class="prev" href="?q=@(model.SearchTerm)&p=@(model.CurrentPage-1)">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Previous", "Previous"))</a> } else { <span class="prev">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Previous", "Previous"))</span> } @for (var i = 1; i <= model.TotalPages; i++) { if(i == model.CurrentPage) { <span class="page">@i</span> } else { <a class="page" href="?q=@(model.SearchTerm)&p=@(i)">@i</a> } } @if (model.CurrentPage < model.TotalPages) { <a class="next" href="?q=@(model.SearchTerm)&p=@(model.CurrentPage + 1)">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Next", "Next"))</a> } else { <span class="next">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Next", "Next"))</span> } </p> </div> } @helper RenderNoResults(SearchViewModel model) { <div class="ezsearch-no-results"> <p>@FormatHtml(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] No Results", "No results found for search term <strong>{0}</strong>."), model.SearchTerm)</p> </div> } @functions { // ================================================== // Helper Functions //================================================== // Cleanse the search term public string CleanseSearchTerm(string input) { return Umbraco.StripHtml(input).ToString(); } // Splits a string on space, except where enclosed in quotes public IEnumerable<string> Tokenize(string input) { return Regex.Matches(input, @"[\""].+?[\""]|[^ ]+") .Cast<Match>() .Select(m => m.Value.Trim('\"')) .ToList(); } // Highlights all occurances of the search terms in a body of text public IHtmlString Highlight(IHtmlString input, IEnumerable<string> searchTerms) { return Highlight(input.ToString(), searchTerms); } // Highlights all occurances of the search terms in a body of text public IHtmlString Highlight(string input, IEnumerable<string> searchTerms) { input = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(input); foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms) { input = Regex.Replace(input, Regex.Escape(searchTerm), @"<strong>$0</strong>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } return new HtmlString(input); } // Formats a string and returns as HTML public IHtmlString FormatHtml(string input, params object[] args) { return Html.Raw(string.Format(input, args)); } // Gets a dictionary value with a fallback public string GetDictionaryValue(string key, string fallback) { var value = Umbraco.GetDictionaryValue(key); return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? value : fallback; } // Truncates a string on word breaks public string Truncate(IHtmlString input, int maxLength) { return Truncate(input.ToString(), maxLength); } // Truncates a string on word breaks public string Truncate(string input, int maxLength) { var truncated = Umbraco.Truncate(input, maxLength, true).ToString(); if (truncated.EndsWith("…")) { var lastSpaceIndex = truncated.LastIndexOf(' '); if(lastSpaceIndex > 0) { truncated = truncated.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex) + "…"; } } return truncated; } // Gets a macro parameter in a safe manner with fallback public string GetMacroParam(PartialViewMacroModel model, string key, string fallback) { return GetMacroParam(model, key, s => s, fallback); } // Gets a macro parameter in a safe manner with fallback public TType GetMacroParam<TType>(PartialViewMacroModel model, string key, Func<string, TType> convert, TType fallback) { if(!model.MacroParameters.ContainsKey(key)) { return fallback; } var value = model.MacroParameters[key]; if(value == null || value.ToString().Trim() == "") { return fallback; } try { return convert(value.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { return fallback; } } // Splits a coma seperated string into a list public IList<string> SplitToList(string input) { return input.Split(',') .Select(f => f.Trim()) .Where(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f)) .ToList(); } // ================================================== // Helper Classes //================================================== public class SearchViewModel { // Query Parameters public string SearchTerm { get; set; } public IEnumerable<string> SearchTerms { get; set; } public int CurrentPage { get; set; } // Options public int RootContentNodeId { get; set; } public int RootMediaNodeId { get; set; } public string IndexType { get; set; } public IList<string> SearchFields { get; set; } public IList<string> PreviewFields { get; set; } public int PreviewLength { get; set; } public int PageSize { get; set; } public string HideFromSearchField { get; set; } public string SearchFormLocation { get; set; } // Results public int TotalResults { get; set; } public int TotalPages { get; set; } public IEnumerable<SearchResult> AllResults { get; set; } public IEnumerable<SearchResult> PagedResults { get; set; } } }
What version of Umbraco are you using? There is a bug in 7.0.2 that is fixed in 7.0.3:
I'm using 7.0.3
is working on a reply...
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Check for custom properties on media item
I want to display my custom property "date" which is on my File media item.
But this property is not populated on my media "Files" so I need to check if "result" has the "date" property.
I've tried the following without success:
Can anyone help me out, I'm very new to razor.
Cheers, JV
Try this:
Hi Jeroen,
Unfortunately that didn't work, I tried the following combinations without success:
Can you please display your complete Razor file. Maybe you're missing a namespace or something.
What version of Umbraco are you using? There is a bug in 7.0.2 that is fixed in 7.0.3:
Hi Jeroen,
I'm using 7.0.3
Cheers, JV
is working on a reply...