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  • AdrianLove 11 posts 33 karma points
    Apr 03, 2014 @ 03:18

    ezSearch.cshtml fix for Umbraco 7.0.4

    I know this might not be the place to dump basic code but there is very little free options for razor search macros out there besides ezSearch. This is a problem if the plugin isn't updated to 7.0.4 probably for a lot of people. I recently went through the cshtml razor macro and fixed some missing references and it seems to be working basically for me again, There is no garuntee and I'm a web developer not a .NET developer so the code could be wrong.

    Just want to help getting the ball rolling on this :)

    Thanks for all your work so far on ezSearch. If this code is undesired please delete this thread or let me know and I'll remove it.

    ezSearch.cshtml (after installing v1.1 running in Umbraco from nuget 7.0.4)

    @using System.Globalization
    @using System.Text
    @using System.Text.RegularExpressions
    @using Umbraco.Core.Logging
    @using Umbraco.Web.Models
    @inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
        int parsedInt;
        // Parse querystring / macro parameter
        var model = new SearchViewModel
            SearchTerm = CleanseSearchTerm(("" + Request["q"]).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)),
            CurrentPage = int.TryParse(Request["p"], out parsedInt) ? parsedInt : 1,
            PageSize = GetMacroParam(Model, "pageSize", s => int.Parse(s), 10),
            RootContentNodeId = GetMacroParam(Model, "rootContentNodeId", s => int.Parse(s), -1),
            RootMediaNodeId = GetMacroParam(Model, "rootMediaNodeId", s => int.Parse(s), -1),
            IndexType = GetMacroParam(Model, "indexType", s => s.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ""),
            SearchFields = GetMacroParam(Model, "searchFields", s => SplitToList(s), new List<string> { "<a href='~/Views/MacroPartials/ezSearch.cshtml'>~/Views/MacroPartials/ezSearch.cshtml</a>nodeName", "metaTitle", "metaDescription", "metaKeywords", "bodyText" }),
            PreviewFields = GetMacroParam(Model, "previewFields", s => SplitToList(s), new List<string> { "bodyText" }),
            PreviewLength = GetMacroParam(Model, "previewLength", s => int.Parse(s), 250),
            HideFromSearchField = GetMacroParam(Model, "hideFromSearchField", "umbracoNaviHide"),
            SearchFormLocation = GetMacroParam(Model, "searchFormLocation", s => s.ToLower(), "bottom")
        // Validate values
        if (model.IndexType != UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content &&
            model.IndexType != UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media)
            model.IndexType = "";
        if (model.SearchFormLocation != "top"
            && model.SearchFormLocation != "bottom"
            && model.SearchFormLocation != "both"
            && model.SearchFormLocation != "none")
            model.SearchFormLocation = "bottom";
        // ====================================================
        // Comment the next if statement out if you want a root
        // node id of -1 to search content across all sites
        // and not just the current site.
        // ====================================================
        if (model.RootContentNodeId <= 0)
            model.RootContentNodeId = Model.Content.AncestorOrSelf(1).Id;
        // If searching on umbracoFile, also search on umbracoFileName
        if (model.SearchFields.Contains("umbracoFile") && !model.SearchFields.Contains("umbracoFileName"))
        // Check the search term isn't empty
            // Tokenize the search term
            model.SearchTerms = Tokenize(model.SearchTerm);
            // Perform the search
            var searcher = Examine.ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["ExternalSearcher"];
            var criteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria();
            var query = new StringBuilder();
            query.AppendFormat("-{0}:1 ", model.HideFromSearchField);
            var contentPathFilter = model.RootContentNodeId > 0
                ? string.Format("__IndexType:{0} +searchPath:{1} -template:0", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content, model.RootContentNodeId)
                : string.Format("__IndexType:{0} -template:0", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content);
            var mediaPathFilter = model.RootMediaNodeId > 0
                ? string.Format("__IndexType:{0} +searchPath:{1}", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media, model.RootMediaNodeId)
                : string.Format("__IndexType:{0}", UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media);
            switch (model.IndexType)
                case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content:
                    query.AppendFormat("+({0}) ", contentPathFilter);
                case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media:
                    query.AppendFormat("+({0}) ", mediaPathFilter);
                    query.AppendFormat("+(({0}) ({1})) ", contentPathFilter, mediaPathFilter);
            // Ensure page contains all search terms in some way
            foreach (var term in model.SearchTerms)
                var groupedOr = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var searchField in model.SearchFields)
                    groupedOr.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}* ", searchField, term);
                query.Append("+(" + groupedOr.ToString() + ") ");
            // Rank content based on positon of search terms in fields
            for (var i = 0; i < model.SearchFields.Count; i++)
                foreach (var term in model.SearchTerms)
                    query.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}*^{2} ", model.SearchFields[i], term, model.SearchFields.Count - i);
            var criteria2 = criteria.RawQuery(query.ToString());
            var results = searcher.Search(criteria2)
                .Where(x => !Umbraco.IsProtected(int.Parse(x.Fields["id"]), x.Fields["path"]) ||
                (Umbraco.IsProtected(int.Parse(x.Fields["id"]), x.Fields["path"]) &&
                    Umbraco.MemberHasAccess(int.Parse(x.Fields["id"]), x.Fields["path"])))
            model.AllResults = results;
            model.TotalResults = results.Count;
            model.TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)model.TotalResults / model.PageSize);
            model.CurrentPage = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(model.TotalPages, model.CurrentPage));
            // Page the results
            model.PagedResults = model.AllResults.Skip(model.PageSize * (model.CurrentPage - 1)).Take(model.PageSize);
            LogHelper.Debug<string>("[ezSearch] Searching Lucene with the following query: " + query.ToString());
            if (!model.PagedResults.Any())
                // No results found, so render no results view
                if(model.SearchFormLocation != "none")
                // Render out the results
                if (model.SearchFormLocation == "top" || model.SearchFormLocation == "both")
                if(model.TotalPages > 1)
                if (model.SearchFormLocation == "bottom" || model.SearchFormLocation == "both")
            // Empty search term so just render the form
            if(model.SearchFormLocation != "none")
     Render Functions
    @helper RenderForm(SearchViewModel model)
        <form action="" method="GET" class="ezsearch-form">
            <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Search", "Search"))" value="@(model.SearchTerm)" />
            <input type="submit" value="@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Search", "Search"))" />
    @helper RenderSummary(SearchViewModel model)
        <div class="ezsearch-summary">
            <p>@FormatHtml(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Summary", "Your search for <strong>\"{0}\"</strong> matched <strong>{1}</strong> page(s)."), model.SearchTerm, model.TotalResults)</p>
    @helper RenderResultsRange(SearchViewModel model)
        var startRecord = ((model.CurrentPage - 1)*model.PageSize) + 1;
        var endRecord = Math.Min(model.TotalResults, (startRecord - 1) + model.PageSize);
        <div class="ezsearch-result-count">
            <p>@FormatHtml(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Results Range", "Showing results <strong>{0}</strong> to <strong>{1}</strong>."), startRecord, endRecord)</p>
    @helper RenderResults(SearchViewModel model)
        <div class="ezsearch-results">
            @foreach (var result in model.PagedResults)
                switch (result.Fields["__IndexType"])
                    case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Content:
                        var contentItem = Umbraco.TypedContent(result.Fields["id"]);
                        @RenderContentResult(model, contentItem)
                    case UmbracoExamine.IndexTypes.Media:
                        var mediaItem = Umbraco.TypedMedia(result.Fields["id"]);
                        @RenderMediaResult(model, mediaItem)
    @helper RenderContentResult(SearchViewModel model, Umbraco.Core.Models.IPublishedContent result)
        <div class="ezsearch-result">
            <h2><a href="@result.Url">@result.Name</a></h2>
            @foreach (var field in model.PreviewFields.Where(field => result.GetProperty(field).Value.ToString() != ""))
                <p>@Highlight(Truncate(Umbraco.StripHtml(result.GetProperty(field).Value.ToString()), model.PreviewLength), model.SearchTerms)</p>
    @helper RenderMediaResult(SearchViewModel model, Umbraco.Core.Models.IPublishedContent result)
        <div class="ezsearch-result">
            <h2><a href="@(result.GetProperty("umbracoFile"))" class="@(result.GetProperty("umbracoExtension"))">@result.Name</a></h2>
            @foreach (var field in model.PreviewFields.Where(field => result.GetProperty(field).Value.ToString() != ""))
                <p>@Highlight(Truncate(Umbraco.StripHtml(result.GetProperty(field).Value.ToString()), model.PreviewLength), model.SearchTerms)</p>
    @helper RenderPager(SearchViewModel model)
        <div class="ezsearch-pager">
                @if (model.CurrentPage > 1) {
                    <a class="prev" href="?q=@(model.SearchTerm)&p=@(model.CurrentPage-1)">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Previous", "Previous"))</a>
                } else {
                    <span class="prev">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Previous", "Previous"))</span>
                @for (var i = 1; i <= model.TotalPages; i++)
                    if(i == model.CurrentPage) {
                        <span class="page">@i</span>
                    } else {
                        <a class="page" href="?q=@(model.SearchTerm)&p=@(i)">@i</a>
                @if (model.CurrentPage < model.TotalPages) {
                    <a class="next" href="?q=@(model.SearchTerm)&p=@(model.CurrentPage + 1)">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Next", "Next"))</a>
                } else {
                    <span class="next">@(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] Next", "Next"))</span>
    @helper RenderNoResults(SearchViewModel model)
        <div class="ezsearch-no-results">
            <p>@FormatHtml(GetDictionaryValue("[ezSearch] No Results", "No results found for search term <strong>{0}</strong>."), model.SearchTerm)</p>
        // ==================================================
        //  Helper Functions
        // Cleanse the search term
        public string CleanseSearchTerm(string input)
            return Umbraco.StripHtml(input).ToString();
        // Splits a string on space, except where enclosed in quotes
        public IEnumerable<string> Tokenize(string input)
            return Regex.Matches(input, @"[\""].+?[\""]|[^ ]+")
                .Select(m => m.Value.Trim('\"'))
        // Highlights all occurances of the search terms in a body of text
        public IHtmlString Highlight(IHtmlString input, IEnumerable<string> searchTerms)
            return Highlight(input.ToString(), searchTerms);
        // Highlights all occurances of the search terms in a body of text
        public IHtmlString Highlight(string input, IEnumerable<string> searchTerms)
            input = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(input);
            foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms)
                input = Regex.Replace(input, Regex.Escape(searchTerm), @"<strong>$0</strong>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            return new HtmlString(input);
        // Formats a string and returns as HTML
        public IHtmlString FormatHtml(string input, params object[] args)
            return Html.Raw(string.Format(input, args));
        // Gets a dictionary value with a fallback
        public string GetDictionaryValue(string key, string fallback)
            var value = Umbraco.GetDictionaryValue(key);
            return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)
                ? value
                : fallback;
        // Truncates a string on word breaks
        public string Truncate(IHtmlString input, int maxLength)
            return Truncate(input.ToString(), maxLength);
        // Truncates a string on word breaks
        public string Truncate(string input, int maxLength)
            var truncated = Umbraco.Truncate(input, maxLength, true).ToString();
            if (truncated.EndsWith("&hellip;"))
                var lastSpaceIndex = truncated.LastIndexOf(' ');
                if(lastSpaceIndex > 0)
                    truncated = truncated.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex) + "&hellip;";
            return truncated;
        // Gets a macro parameter in a safe manner with fallback
        public string GetMacroParam(PartialViewMacroModel model, string key, string fallback)
            return GetMacroParam(model, key, s => s, fallback);
        // Gets a macro parameter in a safe manner with fallback
        public TType GetMacroParam<TType>(PartialViewMacroModel model, string key, Func<string, TType> convert, TType fallback)
                return fallback;
            var value = model.MacroParameters[key];
            if(value == null || value.ToString().Trim() == "")
                return fallback;
                return convert(value.ToString());
            catch (Exception)
                return fallback;
        // Splits a coma seperated string into a list
        public IList<string> SplitToList(string input)
            return input.Split(',')
                .Select(f => f.Trim())
                .Where(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f))
        // ==================================================
        //  Helper Classes
        public class SearchViewModel
            // Query Parameters
            public string SearchTerm { get; set; }
            public IEnumerable<string> SearchTerms { get; set; }
            public int CurrentPage { get; set; }
            // Options
            public int RootContentNodeId { get; set; }
            public int RootMediaNodeId { get; set; }
            public string IndexType { get; set; }
            public IList<string> SearchFields { get; set; }
            public IList<string> PreviewFields { get; set; }
            public int PreviewLength { get; set; }
            public int PageSize { get; set; }
            public string HideFromSearchField { get; set; }
            public string SearchFormLocation { get; set; }
            // Results
            public int TotalResults { get; set; }
            public int TotalPages { get; set; }
            public IEnumerable<Examine.SearchResult> AllResults { get; set; }
            public IEnumerable<Examine.SearchResult> PagedResults { get; set; }
    I hope this contribution helps!
  • Matt Brailsford 4124 posts 22215 karma points MVP 9x c-trib
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 16:13
    Matt Brailsford

    Hi Adrian,

    Can you confirm which bits you have actually had to make modifications to?

    Many thanks


  • AdrianLove 11 posts 33 karma points
    Apr 22, 2014 @ 08:12

    Hey Matt, 

    As mentioned I'm not a .NET developer so I might have implemented things incorrecly, I'll try to run through my changes. The cshtml diff from 1.1 shows this:

    1) I upated this library reference here on line ~67

    var searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["ExternalSearcher"];
    var searcher = Examine.ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["ExternalSearcher"];

    2) I updated the library reference here on line ~219

    @helper RenderContentResult(SearchViewModel model, IPublishedContent result)
    @helper RenderContentResult(SearchViewModel model, Umbraco.Core.Models.IPublishedContent result)

    3) and again below around line ~231

    @helper RenderMediaResult(SearchViewModel model, IPublishedContent result)
    @helper RenderMediaResult(SearchViewModel model, Umbraco.Core.Models.IPublishedContent result)

    4) The HTML areas had to have some library updates:

    <div class="ezsearch-result">
    <h2><a href="@(result.GetPropertyValue<string>("umbracoFile"))" class="@(result.GetPropertyValue<string>("umbracoExtension"))">@result.Name</a></h2>
    @foreach (var field in model.PreviewFields.Where(field => result.HasValue(field))) { <p>@Highlight(Truncate(Umbraco.StripHtml(result.GetPropertyValue(field).ToString()), model.PreviewLength), model.SearchTerms)</p> break;
    <div class="ezsearch-result">
    <h2><a href="@(result.GetPropertyValue<string>("umbracoFile"))" class="@(result.GetProperty<string>("umbracoExtension"))">@result.Name</a></h2> 
    @foreach (var field in model.PreviewFields.Where(field => result.HasValue(field))) {
    <p>@Highlight(Truncate(Umbraco.StripHtml(result.GetProperty(field).Value.ToString()), model.PreviewLength), model.SearchTerms)</p> break; 


    5) And finally on lines 422 the library ref had to be changed

    public IEnumerable<SearchResult> AllResults { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SearchResult> PagedResults { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Examine.SearchResult> AllResults { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Examine.SearchResult> PagedResults { get; set; }


    So hopefully that helps. If you want more information try running your v1.1 cshtml file against mine in a diff program.

    Good luck, thanks again for all your work.

  • Matt Brailsford 4124 posts 22215 karma points MVP 9x c-trib
    Apr 22, 2014 @ 09:12
    Matt Brailsford

    Hi Adrian,

    I have just released a new version that should hopefully fix this. In reality, all you need to add is @using Exmine at the top of the razor file, although I'm not sure why you needed to add the namespace to the method on line 231 as the Umbraco.Core.Models namespace should be included by default in your views (have a look in the web.config inside the views folder, Umbraco.Core.Models should be listed already).

    Hope this helps.

    Many thanks


  • AdrianLove 11 posts 33 karma points
    Apr 23, 2014 @ 02:52

    Much appreciated!

  • Ido 2 posts 22 karma points
    Oct 28, 2014 @ 09:28

    Hi, I just coppied your code and replace it instead the original, that's because i thought it will help me to fix my problem but it does not :(

    My problem is:
    I Have 2 languages in my site: (EN as primary and HE (hebrew) as secondary)..
    The ezsearch engine in English does not working excellent but fine, 
    when I type an Hebrew word to search in the hebrew site - there are no results.. 
    If i search in the hebrew site an English word - it's return the same results that i returns in the English site. 

    Please, somebody can help me resolve or help me to understand what i do wrong?

    this is my site: (EN) | (HE)

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