FacebookConnect package:
A small and simple package, which you can use to connect to Facebook and authenticate and/or post to users wall.
Current features:
- Adds a facebook-connect button to your page
- Adds a “Publish to facebook” button when logged in (the user can publish on his wall)
- Shows username and shows picture of the user logged in (your have access to all properties if you can do some C#)
- Possible to disable loginbutton, so it can be used for integrating authentication to other controls (ex: uComment by Tim Geyssens)
Package will install:
- FacebookConnect Macro (insert it in a template whereever you wan’t your connect button)
- FacebookConnect.dll
- facebook.dll (official from facebook toolkit)
- Microsoft.Xml.Schema.Linq.dll
- PackageActionsContrib.dll (umbraco)
- FacebookContent.css (stylesheet for you to edit or delete)
- 2 AppSettings entries in web.config (FacebookAPIKey and FacebookSecret)