Friendly Sitemap makes adding dynamic sitemap.xml files to your Umbraco website easy!
Friendly Sitemap creates a fully compliant XML sitemap for Google search, Google Images, or Google News, for your content with no code necessary.
The package supports Umbraco 8.1+. The Image Sitemap requires Umbraco 8.6+.
Once installed the sitemap must be enabled via an app setting in the web.config file:
<add key="Umbraco.Sitemap.Enable" value="true" />
The sitemap will be visible on the URL /sitemap.xml, such as If installed, the Image Sitemap will be visible on the URL /sitemap_images.xml while the News Sitemap will be visible on the URL /sitemap_news.xml.
All links displayed in a sitemap are specific to the current domain and culture.
If a physical sitemap.xml file exists in your website, the dynamically generated sitemap will be disabled.