i just published the EN node to be viewable out side but the problem is that the macro only shows the danish flag in the list even tho the EN one is publish if i go to the EN node by url it works but stil only show the danish flag only and it becomes active to link back to the danish node.
Danish node look.:
English node look.:
is this a genral bug ? if so is there a fix for it
have you tried republishing the entire site from right clicking the root node?
also i'm not 100% sure if your scenario of having the language nodes not right below the root is supported (you have a PicoPublish node in between). But you could always change that as the source code is provided.
ah sorry thought you ment the picopublish node. the republish enture site did not cure it. its stil the same. stil just Danish flag showing and working :(
i went and tried moving the da and en node out of picopublish node to the content node to see if that solved it. but its the same issue for some reason the en flag.
which returns me to the same question above could this be a bug ?
tho the only thing i have not tried yet is reinstalling the package for this but it should not be nessesary.
language not showing when published issue
hi guys i have a site where i have to languages :
as you can see here
i just published the EN node to be viewable out side but the problem is that the macro only shows the danish flag in the list even tho the EN one is publish if i go to the EN node by url it works but stil only show the danish flag only and it becomes active to link back to the danish node.
Danish node look.:
English node look.:
is this a genral bug ? if so is there a fix for it
Jens Simonsen
Hi Jens,
I think the problem is on how the flag is displayed.
can you post the code for that here ?
hi dawoe
i have it display with this in a master template
<div class="container">
<div id="language-selector"><umbraco:Macro RenderType="Flags" Alias="MLLanguageSwitcher" runat="server"></umbraco:Macro></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
and this the flag script.
@foreach (var data in MultiLanguage.Functions.GetUrlsAndLanguages(Model.Id))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Url))
<strong class="@data.NativeName">
<img src="@Href("~/css/MultiLanguage/flags/"+data.CountryCode+".png")" alt="@data.NativeName" title="@data.NativeName"/></strong>
<a href="@data.Url" class="@data.NativeName">
<img src="@Href("~/css/MultiLanguage/flags/"+data.CountryCode+".png")" alt="@data.NativeName" title="@data.NativeName"/></a>
and thanks for replying hope that can shed some light on things.
have you tried republishing the entire site from right clicking the root node?
also i'm not 100% sure if your scenario of having the language nodes not right below the root is supported (you have a PicoPublish node in between). But you could always change that as the source code is provided.
hi Yannick yah i tried republishing both from main root picopublish and individual nodes none has effect sadly :(
and you right im not entirely sure my self if the current setup is supported also a thing i hope 2 find out here if any knows.
but again if it is not supported of the setup tho then the Danish flag should be showing either. so im not sure what it can be.
try right clicking the Content node not the PicoPublish and choose "republish entire site".
ah sorry thought you ment the picopublish node. the republish enture site did not cure it. its stil the same. stil just Danish flag showing and working :(
i went and tried moving the da and en node out of picopublish node to the content node to see if that solved it. but its the same issue for some reason the en flag.
which returns me to the same question above could this be a bug ?
tho the only thing i have not tried yet is reinstalling the package for this but it should not be nessesary.
hi again i finally got the en flag to show . what i did was reinstalling the package.
and i also found out that there was a permission issue on the website folder which prevented some write permissions.
so i do not know which one of them was the issue but my guess would be the permissions.
this thread can be maked resolved.
is working on a reply...