After generating a few pdf files the w3wp process starts using quite a lot of memory. Easily hitting above 1 gigabyte.
This seems to be related to the IBEX generator holding on to byte arrays. A look at the IIS process using Red Gate ANTS memory profiler shows that IIS is holding a lot of byte arrays in memory as well as some RenderedObject.
Looking at what's keeping the byte classes in memory there's two paths, one back to InternalFODocument
and one back to PageTree
Can you please look at disposal and release of objects.
The full xslt file is available upon request, in short it use external-graphic loaded through image gen. The images are from a MultiNodePicker.
<xsl:template name ="HeaderImages"> <xsl:param name="images"/>
Memory leak
After generating a few pdf files the w3wp process starts using quite a lot of memory. Easily hitting above 1 gigabyte.
This seems to be related to the IBEX generator holding on to byte arrays. A look at the IIS process using Red Gate ANTS memory profiler shows that IIS is holding a lot of byte arrays in memory as well as some RenderedObject.
Looking at what's keeping the byte classes in memory there's two paths, one back to InternalFODocument
and one back to PageTree
Can you please look at disposal and release of objects.
The full xslt file is available upon request, in short it use external-graphic loaded through image gen. The images are from a MultiNodePicker.
Hi Harald, Could you please mail over your complete XSLT file so that I can try and reproduce locally.
is working on a reply...